The Washington Flora Checklist aims to be a complete list of the native and naturalized vascular plants of Washington State, with current classifications, nomenclature and synonymy. The checklist currently contains 3,707 accepted terminal taxa, of which 2,659 are native.

Taxa included in the checklist:

  • Native taxa whether extant, extirpated, or extinct.
  • Exotic taxa that are naturalized, escaped from cultivation, or persisting wild.
  • Waifs (e.g., ballast plants, escaped crop plants) and other scarcely collected exotics.
  • Interspecific hybrids that are frequent or self-maintaining.
  • Some unnamed taxa in the process of being described.

Fred Weinmann initiated development of the checklist in 1998, and with the help of Peter Zika and others a draft checklist was completed by 2002. In 2007 the checklist was transferred to the UW Herbarium, funded by grants from the Bureau of Land Management and the Washington Native Plant Society. In 2018 the checklist underwent a major update to align nomenclature with the 2nd Edition of the Flora of the Pacific Northwest and integrate the checklist with the Burke Herbarium Image Collection and the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database to provide unified nomenclatural management across the Herbarium's online resources; funding was provided by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Family classifications follow APG IV for angiosperms, PPG I (J. Syst. Evol. 54:563–603. 2016) for pteridophytes, and Christenhusz et al. (Phytotaxa 19:55–70. 2011) for gymnosperms, with a few exceptions. Nomenclature and synonymy at the rank of genus and below follows the 2nd Edition of the Flora of the Pacific Northwest except where superceded by new information.

Please note: This is a working checklist, continuously updated. Use it at your discretion.

Last updates made on 9/28/2024.

Ferns and Lycophytes:
Common Names
# of Taxa
Spleenwort Family
3 taxa;
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Lady Fern Family
2 taxa;
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Azollaceae (see Salviniaceae)
Chain Fern Family, Deer Fern Family
2 taxa;
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Fragile Fern Family
4 taxa;
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Bracken Fern Family
1 taxon;
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Wood Fern Family
19 taxa;
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Horsetail Family
13 taxa;
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Grammitidaceae (see Polypodiaceae)
Filmy fern family
1 taxon;
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Quillwort Family
8 taxa;
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12 taxa;
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Pepperwort Family, Water-Clover Family
4 taxa;
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Adder's-Tongue Family
19 taxa;
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0 taxa;
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Parkeriaceae (see Pteridaceae)
Polypody Fern Family
4 taxa;
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Maidenhair Fern Family
14 taxa;
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Floating-Fern Family
2 taxa;
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Spike-Moss Family
4 taxa;
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Maiden Fern Family
3 taxa;
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Vittariaceae (see Pteridaceae)
Cliff Fern Family
3 taxa;
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Common Names
# of Taxa
Cypress Family
7 taxa;
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Pine Family
21 taxa;
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Yew Family
2 taxa;
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Common Names
# of Taxa
Aceraceae (see Sapindaceae)
Muskroot Family
10 taxa;
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Amaranth Family
65 taxa;
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Sumac Family
4 taxa;
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Carrot Family
92 taxa;
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Dogbane Family
9 taxa;
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Holly Family
1 taxon;
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Ginseng Family
6 taxa;
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Birthwort Family
1 taxon;
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Asclepiadaceae (see Apocynaceae)
Aster Family
462 taxa;
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Touch-Me-Not Family
7 taxa;
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Barberry Family
10 taxa;
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Birch Family
17 taxa;
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Trumpet Creeper Family
2 taxa;
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Borage Family
84 taxa;
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Mustard Family
169 taxa;
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Buddlejaceae (see Scrophulariaceae)
Watershield Family
2 taxa;
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Cactus Family
4 taxa;
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Callitrichaceae (see Plantaginaceae)
Bellflower Family
21 taxa;
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Hemp Family
3 taxa;
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Honeysuckle Family
17 taxa;
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Pink Family
104 taxa;
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Bittersweet Family
9 taxa;
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Hornwort Family
2 taxa;
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Chenopodiaceae (see Amaranthaceae)
Spiderflower Family
2 taxa;
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Comandraceae (see Santalaceae)
Compositae (see Asteraceae)
Morning-Glory Family
16 taxa;
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Dogwood Family
5 taxa;
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Stonecrop Family
16 taxa;
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Rockflower Family
1 taxon;
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Cruciferae (see Brassicaceae)
Cucumber Family
3 taxa;
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Cuscutaceae (see Convolvulaceae)
Teasel Family
1 taxon;
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Sundew Family
4 taxa;
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Ehretia Family
1 taxon;
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Oleaster Family
4 taxa;
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Waterwort Family
3 taxa;
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Empetraceae (see Ericaceae)
Heath Family
63 taxa;
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Spurge Family
14 taxa;
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Pea Family
213 taxa;
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Beech Family
5 taxa;
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Fumariaceae (see Papaveraceae)
Silktassel Family
1 taxon;
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Gentian Family
16 taxa;
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Geranium Family
18 taxa;
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Currant Family
23 taxa;
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Water Milfoil Family
10 taxa;
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Haloragidaceae (see Haloragaceae)
Heliotrope Family
1 taxon;
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Hippocastanaceae (see Sapindaceae)
Hippuridaceae (see Plantaginaceae)
Hydrangea Family
2 taxa;
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Waterleaf Family
32 taxa;
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(see also Namaceae)
St. John's Wort Family
13 taxa;
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Walnut Family
4 taxa;
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Labiatae (see Lamiaceae)
Mint Family
54 taxa;
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Laurel Family
1 taxon;
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Leguminosae (see Fabaceae)
Leitneriaceae (see Simaroubaceae)
Bladderwort Family
7 taxa;
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Meadowfoam Family
3 taxa;
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Flax Family
4 taxa;
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False Pimpernel Family
1 taxon;
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Twin Flower Family
1 taxon;
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Blazingstar Family
5 taxa;
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Loosestrife Family
6 taxa;
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Mallow Family
19 taxa;
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Mazus Family
1 taxon;
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Buck-Bean Family
3 taxa;
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Carpetweed Family
1 taxon;
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Monotropaceae (see Ericaceae)
Miner's Lettuce Family
33 taxa;
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Mulberry Family
2 taxa;
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Bayberry Family
2 taxa;
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Myrsinaceae (see Primulaceae)
Nama Family
1 taxon;
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Harmal Family
1 taxon;
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Four-O'clock Family
4 taxa;
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Water-Lily Family
3 taxa;
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(see also Cabombaceae)
Olive Family
5 taxa;
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Evening-Primrose Family
65 taxa;
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Broom-Rape Family
60 taxa;
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Wood-Sorrel Family
6 taxa;
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Peony Family
1 taxon;
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Poppy Family
17 taxa;
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Parnassiaceae (see Celastraceae)
Princess Tree Family
1 taxon;
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Penthorum Family
1 taxon;
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Lopseed Family
29 taxa;
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Pokeweed Family
1 taxon;
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Plantain Family
109 taxa;
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Plane-Tree Family, Sycamore Family
2 taxa;
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Leadwort Family, Plumbago Family
4 taxa;
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Phlox Family
56 taxa;
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Milkwort Family
1 taxon;
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Buckwheat Family
95 taxa;
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Purslane Family
1 taxon;
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(see also Montiaceae)
Primrose Family
29 taxa;
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Pyrolaceae (see Ericaceae)
Buttercup Family
107 taxa;
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Mignonette Family
2 taxa;
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Buckthorn Family
9 taxa;
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Rose Family
170 taxa;
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Madder Family
17 taxa;
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Willow Family
44 taxa;
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Sandalwood Family
10 taxa;
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Soapberry Family
9 taxa;
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Greasewood Family
1 taxon;
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Pitcherplant Family
4 taxa;
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Saxifrage Family
61 taxa;
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Figwort Family
8 taxa;
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Quassia-Wood Family
1 taxon;
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Potato Family
18 taxa;
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Tamarisk Family
3 taxa;
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Theophrastaceae (see Primulaceae)
Mezereum Family
3 taxa;
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Elm Family
4 taxa;
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Umbelliferae (see Apiaceae)
Nettle Family
6 taxa;
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Valerian Family
12 taxa;
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Verbena Family
5 taxa;
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Violet Family
26 taxa;
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Viscaceae (see Santalaceae)
Grape Family
4 taxa;
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Creosote-Bush Family
2 taxa;
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Common Names
# of Taxa
Sweet Flag Family
1 taxon;
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Agavaceae (see Asparagaceae)
Water-Plantain Family
9 taxa;
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Amaryllis Family
25 taxa;
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Arum Family
12 taxa;
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(see also Acoraceae)
Asparagus Family
21 taxa;
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Flowering Rush Family
1 taxon;
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Spiderwort Family
1 taxon;
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Sedge Family
205 taxa;
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Gramineae (see Poaceae)
Frogbit Family, Tapegrass Family, Waterweed Family
10 taxa;
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Iris Family
18 taxa;
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Rush Family
69 taxa;
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Arrow-grass Family
5 taxa;
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(see also Scheuchzeriaceae)
Lemnaceae (see Araceae)
Lilaeaceae (see Juncaginaceae)
Lily Family
29 taxa;
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Limnocharitaceae (see Alismataceae)
False-Hellebore Family
15 taxa;
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Najadaceae (see Hydrocharitaceae)
Orchid Family
43 taxa;
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Grass Family
332 taxa;
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Pickerelweed Family
3 taxa;
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Pondweed Family
22 taxa;
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(see also Ruppiaceae)
Ditch-Grass Family
1 taxon;
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Rannoch-rush Family, Scheuchzeria Family
1 taxon;
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(see also Juncaginaceae)
Sparganiaceae (see Typhaceae)
False-Asphodel Family
1 taxon;
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Cat-Tail Family
9 taxa;
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Vallisneriaceae (see Hydrocharitaceae)
Zannichelliaceae (see Potamogetonaceae)
Eel-Grass Family
5 taxa;
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