Checklist » Boraginaceae
Boraginaceae[Draft FNA, HC, HC2](Borage Family)

Notes: Taxonomy follows recent molecular studies:

Weigend, M., Federico Luebert, Marc Gottschling, Thomas L.P., Couvreur, Hartmut H. Hilger and James S. Miller. 2013. From capsules to nutlets—phylogenetic relationships in the Boraginales. Cladistics (2013) 1–11.

Nazaire, M., and L Hufford. 2012. A Broad Phylogenetic Analysis of Boraginaceae: Implications for the Relationships of Mertensia. Systematic Botany 37(3): pp. 758–783.



Family information last updated 2/9/2016 by David Giblin.

Taxon (native taxa in boldface)
Common Names
# Synonyms
Adeline's hound's-tongue, Pacific hound's-tongue, grand hound
1 synonym
fireweed fiddleneck, rancher's fiddleneck
2 synonyms
bugloss fiddleneck, tarweed fiddleneck
0 synonyms
harvest fiddleneck, rigid fiddleneck, rancher's fireweed
2 synonyms
harvest fiddleneck, rigid fiddleneck
0 synonyms
seaside amsinckia, seaside fiddleneck
1 synonym
seaside amsinckia, seaside fiddleneck
0 synonyms
bristly amsinckia, bristly fiddleneck, tessellate fiddleneck
0 synonyms
var. tessellata[HC2, JPM]
bristly amsinckia, bristly fiddleneck, tessellate fiddleneck
0 synonyms
Italian alkanet, Italian bugloss
0 synonyms
Italian alkanet, Italian bugloss
0 synonyms
common alkanet, common bugloss
0 synonyms
catchweed, madwort
0 synonyms
borage, common borage
0 synonyms
corn gromwell, field gromwell
1 synonym
quill cat's-eye, common cryptantha, slender cryptantha
1 synonym
basin cat's-eye, obscure cryptantha, wilke's cryptantha
0 synonyms
sand dune cat's-eye, Fendler's cryptantha
0 synonyms
weakstem cat's-eye, flaccid cryptantha
0 synonyms
narrow-stem cryptantha, slender cryptantha
0 synonyms
large-flowered cryptantha
1 synonym
Clearwater cat's-eye, common cryptantha
1 synonym
Henderson's common cryptantha
1 synonym
wingnut cryptantha
0 synonyms
wingnut cryptantha
0 synonyms
beaked cryptantha
1 synonym
pinyon desert cat's-eye, desert cryptantha
0 synonyms
pine woods cat's-eye, pine woods cryptantha
0 synonyms
Torrey's cryptantha
1 synonym
Torrey's cryptantha
0 synonyms
Watson's cryptantha
0 synonyms
common hound's-tongue
0 synonyms
common viper's bugloss
0 synonyms
alpine forget-me-not
3 synonyms
cushion cryptantha, matted cryptantha
1 synonym
3 synonyms
Gruvelia pusilla A. DC.[Draft FNA, HC2]
little gruvelia
1 synonym
nodding stickseed
3 synonyms
Okanogan stickseed
0 synonyms
gray stickseed
0 synonyms
diffuse stickseed
0 synonyms
sagebrush stickseed, steppe stickseed
1 synonym
Cotton's stickseed
0 synonyms
diffuse stickseed
1 synonym
many-flowered stickseed
0 synonyms
hispid stickseed, rough stickseed
0 synonyms
sagebrush stickseed
0 synonyms
rough stickseed
0 synonyms
meadow forget-me-not, blue stickseed
1 synonym
Taylor's stickseed
0 synonyms
lesser showy stickseed
0 synonyms
long-spined stickseed
0 synonyms
western stickseed
0 synonyms
cupulate stickseed
1 synonym
bristly sheepburr, bristly stickseed, common stickseed, European stickseed, bristly-fruited tickweed
1 synonym
fringed stoneseed
0 synonyms
annual bugloss, European bugloss, small bugloss
1 synonym
annual bugloss, European bugloss, small bugloss
0 synonyms
beautiful bluebells, sagebrush bluebells
1 synonym
short-sepaled bluebells
0 synonyms
mountain bluebells, streamside bluebells, tall fringed bluebells
1 synonym
leafy bluebells
0 synonyms
long-flowered bluebells, trumpet bluebells, long-flowered lungwort
0 synonyms
northern bluebell, tall bluebell
0 synonyms
northern bluebell
0 synonyms
var. paniculata[HC, HC2, JPM]
tall bluebell
0 synonyms
broadleaf bluebell
2 synonyms
shade bluebell
0 synonyms
field forget-me-not, field scorpion-grass
0 synonyms
yellow and blue forget-me-not, yellow and blue scorpiongrass
1 synonym
bay forget-me-not, small forget-me-not
0 synonyms
early forget-me-not
0 synonyms
common forget-me-not, true forget-me-not, water forget-me-not
1 synonym
blue scorpion-grass
1 synonym
woodland forget-me-not
1 synonym
early forget-me-not, spring forget-me-not, early scorpion-grass, spring scorpion-grass
2 synonyms
cockscomb oreocarya
4 synonyms
Snake River cat's-eye, Snake River oreocarya
2 synonyms
Thompson's cat's-eye, Thompson's oreocarya
1 synonym
shortleaf combseed, winged pectocarya
1 synonym
bristly combseed
0 synonyms
green alkanet
1 synonym
cognate popcorn-flower
1 synonym
matted popcorn-flower
3 synonyms
fragrant popcorn-flower
1 synonym
fragrant popcorn-flower
2 synonyms
harsh popcorn-flower
2 synonyms
alkali popcorn-flower, slender-branched popcorn-flower
0 synonyms
rusty popcorn-flower
0 synonyms
Scouler's popcorn-flower
4 synonyms
Pacific popcorn-flower, slender popcorn-flower
1 synonym
prickly comfrey, rough comfrey
1 synonym
common comfrey
0 synonyms
hybrid comfrey
0 synonyms