PlantQuest Species List for Garfield County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Adenocaulon bicolorAsteraceaepathfinder, trailplantwestern forest, eastern forestjun, jul, aug, sep
Alnus rhombifoliaBetulaceaewhite alder, California aldereastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermar, apr, nov-feb
Angelica argutaApiaceaeLyall's angelica, sharptooth angelicawestern forest, eastern forest, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Astragalus inflexusFabaceaebent milk-vetch, hairy milk-vetchshrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Balsamorhiza careyanaAsteraceaeCarey's balsamrooteastern forest, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun, jul
Balsamorhiza incanaAsteraceaehoary balsamroot, woolly balsamrooteastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun, jul
Capsella bursa-pastoris *Brassicaceaeshepherd's pursewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun, jul
Centromadia pungens ssp. pungens *Asteraceaecommon spikeweed
Clintonia unifloraLiliaceaequeen's cup, bride's-bonnetwestern forest, eastern forestmay, jun, jul
Conium maculatum *Apiaceaepoison hemlock, poison-hemlockdisturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug
Cornus stoloniferaCornaceae
Descurainia longepedicellataBrassicaceae eastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Descurainia pinnataBrassicaceaewestern tansymustard, western tansymustard shortpod tansymustardeastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Draba densifoliaBrassicaceaedenseleaf draba, Nuttall's draba, dense-leaf whitlow-grasseastern forest, subalpine or alpinejun, jul, aug
Echinochloa crus-galli *Poaceaebarnyard-grass, large barnyard-grassdisturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Equisetum laevigatumEquisetaceaesmooth horsetail, smooth scouring-rushfreshwaterno flowers
Erigeron pumilus var. intermediusAsteraceaeshaggy fleabane
Geum macrophyllumRosaceaelargeleaf avens, bigleaf avenswestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpineapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Iliamna rivularisMalvaceaestreambank globemalloweastern forest, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Lathyrus nevadensis var. cusickiiFabaceae
Linum lewisii var. lewisiiLinaceaeWild blue flaxeastern forest, subalpine or alpinemay, jun, jul
Lonicera ciliosaCaprifoliaceaeorange honeysucklewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or baldmay, jun, jul
Matricaria discoideaAsteraceaedisc mayweed, pineapple weeddisturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Melilotus officinalis *Fabaceaeyellow sweet-cloverdisturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Physaria oregonaBrassicaceaeOregon twinpodeastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Pyrrocoma carthamoides var. cusickiiAsteraceaeLarge-flowered goldenweed, Columbia goldenweed jun, jul, aug
Ranunculus uncinatusRanunculaceaewoodland buttercup, little buttercupwestern forest, eastern forest, freshwaterapr, may, jun, jul
Ribes oxyacanthoides var. cognatumGrossulariaceaeUmatilla gooseberry mar, apr, may
Rorippa curvisiliquaBrassicaceaecurvepod yellowcress, western yellowcressfreshwatermay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Rubus bifrons *RosaceaeHimalayan blackberry, European blackberrywestern forest, prairie or bald, freshwater, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Rubus leucodermisRosaceaewhitebark raspberry, blackcapwestern forest, eastern forest, disturbed areasapr, may, jun, jul
Selaginella wallaceiSelaginellaceaeWallace's spikemosswestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpineno flowers
Solanum dulcamara *Solanaceaeclimbing nightshade, bittersweet nightshade, felonwortfreshwater, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Taraxacum officinale *Asteraceaecommon dandelionwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine, freshwater, disturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Taxus brevifoliaTaxaceaePacific yew, western yewwestern forest, eastern forestno flowers
Thermopsis montanaFabaceaemountain golden-banner, Hitchcock's thermopsiswestern forest, eastern forestmay, jun, jul, aug
Thermopsis montana var. ovataFabaceaeslender goldenbanner
Thysanocarpus curvipesBrassicaceaesand fringepod, lacepodeastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Trillium petiolatumMelanthiaceaepurple trillium, Idaho trillium, purple wakerobineastern forest, freshwaterapr, may, jun
Verbascum thapsus *Scrophulariaceaecommon mullein, flannel mullein, great mulleineastern forest, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Verbena bracteataVerbenaceaebig-bract verbena, carpet vervaineastern forest, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Veronica americanaPlantaginaceaeAmerican speedwell, American-brooklimewestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermay, jun, jul

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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