The Image Collection web site is in need of photographs for the following species, subspecies, varieties, and hybrids. If you have photographs of any of these, we hope you will consider sharing them through this web site. Or, keep this list and a camera handy as you are out botanizing. For more information on how to contribute photos, see the contributor's page, or send an email to the Collections Manager (dgiblin [at]
Ths list is automatically generated and accounts for any recently added photographs. Nomenclature for vascular plants follows the WA Flora Checklist. Please note that some of the taxa on this list may be doubtfully present in Washington. Names are sorted first by family, second by accepted scientific name.
If a name is represented below by a subspecies or variety, and there is no entry for the species itself, then it means we do have photographs identified to the species, but none specifically for that subspecies or variety. If a subspecies or variety is included along with a separate entry for the species name itself, then it means we have photos for neither.
You may also download a text file with each species marked to indicate whether we have photos. This text file can be opened in Excel or another spreadsheet program for further manipulation.
MacroFungi species lacking photos: 1316.