About the Image Collection Web Site:

» How to Cite
» Contact Us
» Credits & Support
» Wildflower Apps for Washington & Idaho
» Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
» Burke Museum Herbarium

How to Cite:

The WTU Image Collection web site is a dynamic resource with frequent updates. When citing the web site, please include the date when accessed.

The entire image collection web site may be cited as follows:

Giblin, D.E. & B.S. Legler (eds.). 2003+. WTU Image Collection Web Site: Vascular Plants, MacroFungi, & Lichenized Fungi of Washington State. University of Washington Herbarium. Accessed 27 Mar 2025. https://burkeherbarium.org/imagecollection/taxon.php?Taxon=Abronia+latifolia.

To cite an individual taxon page:

Giblin, D.E. & B.S. Legler (eds.). 2003+. Abronia latifola. In: WTU Image Collection Web Site: Vascular Plants, MacroFungi, & Lichenized Fungi of Washington State. University of Washington Herbarium. Accessed 27 Mar 2025. https://burkeherbarium.org/imagecollection/.

Link to the WTU Image Collection web site:

We encourage links to the Image Collection web site. However, prior permission is required to download or cache any content from the Image Collection web site for public access through a web site or server, or in digital or printed materials. An exception to this restriction is made for strictly personal use and in-classroom instruction. Permission to use photographs must be obtained directly from the photographers; WTU cannot grant such permission.

Links may be obtained by browsing to the page of interest and copying the URL displayed in your browser. To automate the creation of these links you can use the page URLs as templates and modify the URL argument values.

Contact Us:

Requests to obtain an account, offers to submit photos or other content, technical questions can be addressed to David Giblin.

Collection Manager:

Dr. David E. Giblin
Herbarium Collections Manager
Box 355325
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-5325

Herbarium Curator:

Dr. Richard G. Olmstead
Herbarium Curator
Burke Museum Curator of Botany
Professor of Botany, Biology Department
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-5325
1-206-543-8850; 1-206-543-6594

Herbarium Mailing Address:
If mailing by USPS:

WTU Herbarium
University of Washington
Box 355325
Seattle, WA 98195
If mailing by UPS or FedEx:

WTU Herbarium
Hitchcock Hall Rm 30
1521 NE Pacific St
Seattle, WA 98195
Credits & Support:

Development of the WTU Image Collection began in March 2004 with financial support provided in part by the Washington Native Plant Society. In 2007, funding from the Puget Sound Mycological Society and the Daniel E. Stuntz Memorial Foundation enabled us to begin adding lichen photographs to the Image Collection. In 2017, additional funding from the Puget Sound Mycological Society allowed us to add fungal photographs and descriptions to the web site, and modernize the web site's underlying infrastructure and web pages.

Distribution Data for the species maps is derived from the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria Database.

Nomenclature and synonyms for vascular plants are based on the Washington Flora Checklist. Additional descriptive data for vascular plants, including species descriptions, phenology, distribution, habitat, and common names are based on a variety of sources including the 5-Volume set of the Flora of the Pacific Northwest for those treatments therein that are still valid.

Nomenclature and synonymy for macrofungi is basd on a draft checklist maintained for the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria combined with a state-level checklist from the Pacific Northwest Key Council. A portion of the photographs and species descriptions for macrofungi were obtained, with permission, from the book Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest, published by Timber Press.

The following individuals have assisted with compiling large portions of the vascular plant descriptive data: Ken Davis (bloom period data), David Giblin (identification key data), Don Gowing (bloom period data), Don Knoke (distribution and habitat text), Barbara Williams (bloom period data), and Linda Brooking (identification key).

Fundraising by David Giblin. Site development by Ben Legler.

Notably large contributions of photographs have been made by the following individuals:
(# photos indicated in parentheses)

Gerald D. Carr (17,326)
Robert L. Carr (15,436)
Ben Legler (9,155)
Gabriel Campbell (9,092)
Susan McDougall (5,364)
Ron Bockelman (4,352)
Richard Old (3,049)
David Giblin (2,829)
Craig Althen (2,787)
Bud Kovalchik (2,316)
Thayne Tuason (1,871)
H. Tim Gladwin (1,587)
Clayton J. Antieau (1,454)
Roger T. George (1,452)
Ray Izumi (1,389)
Rod Gilbert (1,312)
Michael Beug (1,294)
Kit Scates Barnhart (1,113)
Brian Luther (1,085)
Gary Brill (1,044)

Wildflower Apps for Washington & Idaho:

The University of Washington Herbarium and its partners have released plant identification apps for the wildflowers of Washington (1,021 species) and Idaho (810 species), based in part on information contained in the WTU Image Collection web site. The apps run on Apple, Android, and Amazon Kindle mobile devices (both phone and tablets).

» View a short YouTube video for the Washington or Idaho app.

» Visit High Country Apps for more information.

» Download the Washington Wildflowers App (Apple, Google Play, Amazon) or the Idaho Wildflowers App (Apple, Google Play, Amazon).

Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest:

This printed field guide by Steve Trudell and Joe Ammirati covers more than 450 species of macrofungi found in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, and British Columbia, with an emphasis on forested habitats of western Washington and Oregon. Many photographs and species descriptions from the book are reproduced on the WTU Image Collection web site, with permission from the authors.

» Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest is available from Timber Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other booksellers.