Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains.
Habitat: Open areas, from middle elevations to the subalpine.
Flowers: May-August
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Erect, deciduous, several-stemmed shrub 1-4 m. tall, the young growth grayish soft-hairy, the older bark yellow to grayish-red.
Leaves pinnate; leaflets 9-13, narrowly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 3-7 cm. long, tapered to the base and pointed at the tip, finely and sharply serrate almost the full length, glabrous, dark green and shiny above and much paler below.
Inflorescence a large, pubescent, flat-topped panicle, with at least 70 flowers; calyx obconic, whitish-pubescent, the 5 lobes triangular; petals 5, white, oval, 5-6 mm. long; stamens 15-20; carpels 3-4, the styles 2 mm. long.
Fruit sub-globose, fleshy, orange to scarlet, glossy, about 1 cm. broad.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Sorbus scopulina in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
WA Flora Checklist: Sorbus scopulina checklist entry
OregonFlora: Sorbus scopulina information
E-Flora BC: Sorbus scopulina atlas page
CalPhotos: Sorbus scopulina photos