Page authors: Don Knoke, David Giblin
Phemeranthus sediformis
Okanogan fameflower

Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in north-central Washington; southern British Columbia to northern Washington.

Habitat: Rocky, exposed slopes and ledges at lower elevations in the mountains.

Flowers: May-July

Origin: Native

Growth Duration: Perennial

Conservation Status: Not of concern


Glabrous, herbaceous perennial from a branched crown, with numerous, branching, ascending stems 1.5-3 mm. thick, forming cushions usually less than 5 cm. broad.


Leaves alternate, fleshy, linear-terete, 5-12 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, deciduous except for the hardened, basal portions of the midrib, many of which persist along the stem as weak bristles.


Flowers 3-9 in minutely bracteate, spreading, flat-topped cymes 2-3 cm. long; peduncles 2-5 cm. long; sepals 2, orbicular, about 3 mm. long; petals 5, broadly ovate, 6-8 mm. long, usually white, soon withering; stamens 15-30; style 3-cleft


Capsule about 3 mm. long

Accepted Name:
Phemeranthus sediformis (Poelln.) Kiger
Publication: Novon. 11: 320. 2001.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Talinum okanoganense English [HC]
Talinum sediforme Poelln. [VPBC4]
Talinum wayae Eastw.
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Phemeranthus sediformis in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Phemeranthus sediformis checklist entry

OregonFlora: Phemeranthus sediformis information

E-Flora BC: Phemeranthus sediformis atlas page

CalPhotos: Phemeranthus sediformis photos

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