Page authors: Don Knoke, David Giblin
Nothochelone nemorosa
woodland beardtongue

Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California.

Habitat: Forest understory at middle elevations to moist forest edge and slopes in the subalpine.

Flowers: June-August

Origin: Native

Growth Duration: Perennial

Conservation Status: Not of concern


Herbaceous perennial from a branched, woody base and taproot, the several stems 4-8 dm. tall, glabrous or finely puberulent


Leaves opposite, all cauline, mostly glabrous, short-petiolate, thin, sharply serrate, lanceolate to ovate, 4-11 cm. long and 1.5-4 cm. wide.


Inflorescence with stalked glands, paniculate, with most of the axillary peduncles branched and 2-several flowered; calyx 6-10 mm. long, the 5 segments lanceolate or lance-ovate, entire; corolla pinkish-purple, bilabiate, glandular-hairy outside and glabrous inside, 25-33 mm. long, 1 cm. wide at the mouth, the lower lip much the longer; anthers densely long-woolly; pollen sacs dehiscent through-out; sterile stamen much shorter than the 4 fertile filaments, bearded.


Capsule 11-17 mm. long.

Accepted Name:
Nothochelone nemorosa (Douglas ex Lindl.) Straw
Publication: Brittonia 18(1): 85. 1966.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Penstemon nemorosus (Douglas ex Lindl.) Trautv. [VPPNW4]
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Nothochelone nemorosa in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Nothochelone nemorosa checklist entry

OregonFlora: Nothochelone nemorosa information

E-Flora BC: Nothochelone nemorosa atlas page

CalPhotos: Nothochelone nemorosa photos

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