Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountain, northern Great Plains, Great Lakes region, and northeastern North America.
Habitat: Streams, ponds and shallow lakes, generally at least partially emerged.
Flowers: June-August
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Pollination: Wind
Glabrous, aquatic perennials with creeping rhizomes, the erect branches partly emersed, 1.5-2.5 mm. thick and 5-30 cm. long, usually simple, but frequently with short branches from the lower nodes.
Leaves linear, entire, 6-12 per whorl, 1-2 mm. broad and 10-35 mm. long.
Flowers mostly perfect, sessile and solitary in the leaf axils; perianth none; stamen 1; pistil 1-celled; style slender, stigmatic the entire length, lying in the groove between the lobes of the large anther.
Fruit nut-like, 1-seeded.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Hippuris vulgaris in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
WA Flora Checklist: Hippuris vulgaris checklist entry
OregonFlora: Hippuris vulgaris information
E-Flora BC: Hippuris vulgaris atlas page
CalPhotos: Hippuris vulgaris photos