Page author: Don Knoke
Galinsoga parviflora

Distribution: Sparingly introduced in Klickitat County.

Habitat: Waste places

Flowers: June-October

Origin: Introduced from Central and South America

Growth Duration: Annual

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Pollination: Bees, flies, beetles, wasps


Freely branched annual, 2-7 dm. tall, the stem with a few spreading hairs.


Leaves opposite, simple, somewhat toothed, ovate or lance-ovate, petiolate, 2-7 cm. long and 1-4 cm. wide.


Heads numerous in leafy cymes, the disk 3-6 mm. wide; rays few, white, short and broad, pistillate and fertile, with pappus scales usually wanting; pappus scales of disk flowers fringed and blunt; involucre bracts few and broad, joined at the base, each subtending a ray; receptacle conic, chaffy throughout.


Achenes 4-angled.

Accepted Name:
Galinsoga parviflora Cav.
Publication: Icon. 3: 41, plate 281. 1795.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Galinsoga parviflora in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Galinsoga parviflora checklist entry

OregonFlora: Galinsoga parviflora information

E-Flora BC: Galinsoga parviflora atlas page

CalPhotos: Galinsoga parviflora photos

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