PlantQuest Species List for Yakima County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* = Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Androsace nivalis Primulaceae snow douglasia eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Anthriscus caucalis * Apiaceae burr chervil disturbed areas Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana Asteraceae Pacific sagewort; Scouler's wormwood
Aspidotis densa Pteridaceae Oregon; Indian's dream; podfern western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine [no flowers]
Camassia quamash ssp. maxima Asparagaceae dark camas Apr, May, Jun
Cardamine hirsuta * Brassicaceae hairy bittercress; shotweed western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; disturbed areas Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Cardamine oligosperma Brassicaceae few-seeded bittercress; little western bittercress western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; freshwater Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Carex nebrascensis Cyperaceae Nebraska sedge freshwater May, Jun, Jul
Ceanothus integerrimus Rhamnaceae deerbrush eastern forest May, Jun, Jul
Celtis reticulata Cannabaceae netleaf hackberry eastern forest; shrub-steppe; freshwater Apr, May
Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera Onagraceae four-spot western forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Collinsia rattanii Plantaginaceae Rattan collinsia western forest; eastern forest Apr, May, Jun
Croton setigerus Euphorbiaceae doveweed; turkey mullein; fish poison shrub-steppe; disturbed areas Jun, Jul, Aug
Cryptantha intermedia var. hendersonii Boraginaceae Henderson's common cryptantha
Elyleymus aristatus Poaceae
Epilobium campestre Onagraceae smooth willow-herb shrub-steppe; freshwater
Epilobium densiflorum Onagraceae dense-flower willow-herb western forest; eastern forest; shrub-steppe; freshwater Jul, Aug, Sep
Eschscholzia californica * Papaveraceae California poppy prairie or bald; disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Gilia capitata Polemoniaceae bluehead gilia; globe gilia western forest; eastern forest Jun, Jul
Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum * Poaceae Mediterranean barley May, Jun
Lomatium cuspidatum Apiaceae Wenatchee biscuit-root; Wenatchee desert-parsley; Wenatchee Mountain lomatium eastern forest; subalpine or alpine May, Jun, Jul
Lomatium klickitatense Apiaceae Klickitat biscuit-root; Klickitat lomatium; Klickitat desert-parsley eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Lomatium suksdorfii Apiaceae Suksdorf's biscuit-root; Suksdorf's desert-parsley shrub-steppe Apr, May
Lomatium tamanitchii Apiaceae ribseed biscuit-root; ribseed desert-parsley eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May
Lupinus bicolor Fabaceae field lupine; small-flowered lupine; two-color lupine prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Myosotis stricta * Boraginaceae blue scorpion-grass prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; freshwater; disturbed areas
Nemophila pedunculata Hydrophyllaceae meadow baby-blue-eyes; spreading nemophila western forest; freshwater Apr, May, Jun
Oreocarya glomerata Boraginaceae cockscomb oreocarya eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Penstemon barrettiae Plantaginaceae Barrett's beardtongue eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May
Plectritis brachystemon Valerianaceae western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Plectritis ciliosa Valerianaceae eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May
Poa leibergii Poaceae Leiberg's bluegrass eastern forest; shrub-steppe Mar, Apr, May
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. confertiflorum Polygonaceae close-flowered knotweed May, Jun, Jul
Polystichum lemmonii Dryopteridaceae Lemmon's holly fern; Shasta fern western forest; eastern forest [no flowers]
Potamogeton richardsonii Potamogetonaceae clasping-leaved pondweed; Richardson's pondweed freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug
Roemeria argemone * Papaveraceae long prickly-head poppy disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul
Rorippa curvipes Brassicaceae blunt-leaved yellowcress; truncate yellowcress freshwater May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Salix lasiandra var. lasiandra Salicaceae Pacific willow
Toxicodendron diversilobum Anacardiaceae Pacific poison-oak western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Trifolium willdenovii Fabaceae sand clover; tomcat clover western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul

Generated on 2025-03-15.   Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.

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