PlantQuest Species List for Snohomish County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* = Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Anisocarpus madioides Asteraceae woodland tarplant; woodland tarweed western forest; prairie or bald May, Jun, Jul
Aphanes occidentalis Rosaceae western parsley-piert western forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; freshwater Apr, May, Jun
Brodiaea coronaria Asparagaceae crown brodiaea; harvest brodiaea eastern forest; prairie or bald May, Jun
Camassia quamash ssp. maxima Asparagaceae dark camas Apr, May, Jun
Campanula scouleri Campanulaceae pale bellflower western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine Jun, Jul, Aug
Castilleja attenuata Orobanchaceae attenuate paintbrush; valley-tassels western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Chaerophyllum temulum * Apiaceae rough chervil western forest; disturbed areas Apr, May, Jun
Delphinium menziesii Ranunculaceae Menzies larkspur eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Drosera anglica Droseraceae English sundew; giant sundew freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug
Eriophorum virginicum * Cyperaceae tawny cotton-grass freshwater May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Erythranthe alsinoides Phrymaceae chickweed monkey-flower; wing-stem monkey-flower western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; freshwater Apr, May, Jun
Erythranthe microphylla Phrymaceae small-leaved monkey-flower subalpine or alpine; shrub-steppe; freshwater Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Erythranthe ptilota Phrymaceae sessile-leaved monkey-flower freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Fallopia sachalinensis * Polygonaceae giant knotweed freshwater; disturbed areas Jul, Aug, Sep
Geranium lucidum * Geraniaceae shining crane's-bill western forest; disturbed areas Apr, May, Jun
Geranium pusillum * Geraniaceae small-flower crane's-bill disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Grindelia integrifolia Asteraceae Puget Sound gumweed; Willamette Valley gumweed prairie or bald; saltwater shores; disturbed areas Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov-Feb
Hyacinthoides massartiana * Asparagaceae common bluebell; garden bluebell; hybrid bluebell prairie or bald; disturbed areas Apr, May
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Araliaceae floating marsh-pennywort freshwater Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Lomatium utriculatum Apiaceae bladder desert-parsley; spring-gold; common biscuit-root prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Montia howellii Montiaceae Howell's montia western forest; prairie or bald; freshwater Apr, May
Montia linearis Montiaceae lineleaf miner's lettuce; narrow-leafed montia western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Myriophyllum spicatum * Haloragaceae spiked water milfoil freshwater Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Najas flexilis Hydrocharitaceae nodding water-nymph; slender water-nymph; wavy water-nymph freshwater Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Petasites japonicus * Asteraceae Japanese sweet coltsfoot western forest; freshwater; disturbed areas
Polygonum spergulariiforme Polygonaceae fall knotweed; spurry knotweed prairie or bald Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Potamogeton amplifolius Potamogetonaceae broad-leaved pondweed; large-leaved pondweed freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug
Potamogeton pusillus Potamogetonaceae small pondweed freshwater Jul, Aug
Potamogeton richardsonii Potamogetonaceae clasping-leaved pondweed; Richardson's pondweed freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug
Sabulina macra Caryophyllaceae slender sandwort; slender stitchwort western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Sanicula bipinnatifida Apiaceae purple black-snakeroot; purple sanicle western forest; prairie or bald May, Jun
Sanicula crassicaulis Apiaceae Pacific sanicle western forest; prairie or bald; saltwater shores Apr, May, Jun
Sanicula crassicaulis var. crassicaulis Apiaceae Pacific sanicle May, Jun
Sarracenia flava * Sarraceniaceae yellow pitcher-plant; yellow trumpet freshwater May, Jun, Jul
Sedum spathulifolium Crassulaceae broadleaf stonecrop; spatula-leaf stonecrop western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Senecio viscosus * Asteraceae sticky ragwort western forest; disturbed areas Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Shepherdia canadensis Elaeagnaceae russet buffalo-berry; soapberry; soopolallie western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Sparganium eurycarpum Typhaceae broadfruited bur-reed freshwater May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Spirodela polyrhiza Araceae duckmeal; common duckmeal; greater duckweed freshwater Jul, Aug, Sep
Toxicoscordion venenosum var. venenosum Melanthiaceae coastal death-camas; common death-camas eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Trifolium oliganthum Fabaceae few-flowered clover prairie or bald Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Trifolium variegatum Fabaceae white-tip clover western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; freshwater Apr, May, Jun, Jul

Generated on 2025-03-15.   Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.

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