Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Coastal bluffs and prairies to moist meadows and forest openings at moderate elevations in the mountains.
Flowers: April-July
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Pollination: Bumblebees, bees, flies, butterflies, hummingbirds
Glabrous to pubescent perennial from several small tubers, the single, simple or branched stem 1-5 dm. tall.
Leaves mostly cauline, only the basal ones long-petiolate, the blades 3-7 cm. broad, 2-3 times dissected, the ultimate segments comparatively few, narrowly oblong.
Inflorescence simple to compound, the racemes 3-20 flowered, open and loose, the pedicels from sub-equal to the flowers to several times as long; sepals 5, deep blue, 12-18 mm. long, the spur 13-15 mm. long, much longer than the upper sepal; petals 4, small, the lower pair blue, lightly veined and shallowly notched, the upper pair white or light blue; stamens numerous; pistils 3.
Follicles 9-16 mm. long, erect to spreading, densely pubescent.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Delphinium menziesii in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
WA Flora Checklist: Delphinium menziesii checklist entry
OregonFlora: Delphinium menziesii information
E-Flora BC: Delphinium menziesii atlas page
CalPhotos: Delphinium menziesii photos