PlantQuest Species List for Okanogan County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* = Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Abies grandis Pinaceae grand fir western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine [no flowers]
Acer macrophyllum Sapindaceae big-leaf maple western forest; eastern forest Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Agastache occidentalis Lamiaceae western giant-hyssop eastern forest; shrub-steppe Jun, Jul, Aug
Anemone oregana var. oregana Ranunculaceae Oregon anemone; western wood anemone Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Angelica canbyi Apiaceae Canby's angelica western forest; eastern forest; freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Asarum caudatum Aristolochiaceae wild ginger western forest; eastern forest Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Astragalus leibergii Fabaceae Leiberg's milk-vetch shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Balsamorhiza hookeri Asteraceae hairy balsamroot; hare's head balsamroot; Hooker's balsamroot eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Boechera atrorubens Brassicaceae dark-red-flowered rockcress western forest; eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Botrypus virginianus Ophioglossaceae rattlesnake fern; common grapefern; Virginia grapefern western forest; eastern forest [no flowers]
Camassia quamash Asparagaceae common camas western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; freshwater Apr, May, Jun
Camassia quamash ssp. quamash Asparagaceae common camas Apr, May, Jun
Erigeron salishii Asteraceae Salish fleabane; star peak fleabane subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Jul, Aug, Sep
Frangula purshiana Rhamnaceae buckthorn; false buckthorn; cascara western forest; eastern forest Apr, May, Jun
Hackelia venusta Boraginaceae lesser showy stickseed; showy stickseed eastern forest May, Jun
Helianthus annuus Asteraceae common sunflower eastern forest; shrub-steppe; disturbed areas Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Hesperochiron pumilus Hydrophyllaceae small hesperochiron; small monkey-fiddle eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Iliamna longisepala Malvaceae long-sepal globemallow eastern forest; shrub-steppe Jun, Jul, Aug
Juncus tenuis Juncaceae path rush; poverty rush; slender rush freshwater; disturbed areas Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Lathyrus nevadensis var. nevadensis Fabaceae Sierra pea
Leptosiphon liniflorus Polemoniaceae flax-flower desert-trumpets; thread-stem linanthus; thread-stemmed linanthus eastern forest; shrub-steppe May, Jun
Lomatium thompsonii Apiaceae Thompson's biscuit-root; Thompson's desert-parsley eastern forest; shrub-steppe May, Jun
Lonicera ciliosa Caprifoliaceae orange honeysuckle western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald May, Jun, Jul
Lupinus polyphyllus var. prunophilus Fabaceae large-leaved lupine
Lupinus saxosus Fabaceae rock lupine eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May
Nestotus stenophyllus Asteraceae narrowleaf goldenweed shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Oreocarya thompsonii Boraginaceae Thompson's oreocarya; Thompson's cat's-eye eastern forest; subalpine or alpine May, Jun, Jul
Pedicularis contorta Orobanchaceae white coiled-beak lousewort western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine Jun, Jul, Aug
Penstemon attenuatus Plantaginaceae taper-leaved beardtongue; sulphur penstemon; taper-leaved penstemon eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; shrub-steppe Jun, Jul, Aug
Penstemon eriantherus Plantaginaceae crested-tongue penstemon; fuzzy-tongue penstemon eastern forest; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Penstemon eriantherus var. whitedii Plantaginaceae Whited's fuzzy-tongue penstemon May, Jun, Jul
Phacelia ramosissima Hydrophyllaceae branched phacelia shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides Brassicaceae daggerpod eastern forest; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Polystichum scopulinum Dryopteridaceae mountain holly fern; rock sword fern eastern forest; subalpine or alpine [no flowers]
Pseudognaphalium macounii Asteraceae sticky cudweed; winded cudweed; Macoun's rabbit-tobacco; Macoun's rabbit tobacco eastern forest; shrub-steppe
Pseudostellaria jamesiana Caryophyllaceae sticky chickweed; sticky starwort eastern forest May, Jun, Jul
Robinia pseudoacacia * Fabaceae black locust freshwater; disturbed areas May, Jun
Rudbeckia alpicola Asteraceae showy black-eyed Susan; Washington showy black-eyed Susan; Wenatchee Mountain showy black-eyed Susan eastern forest; freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug
Suksdorfia violacea Saxifragaceae violet mock brookfoam eastern forest; freshwater Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Trifolium thompsonii Fabaceae Thompson's clover eastern forest; shrub-steppe May, Jun
Trillium petiolatum Melanthiaceae purple trillium; purple wake-robin eastern forest; freshwater Apr, May, Jun
Viola nuttallii var. praemorsa Violaceae canary violet; upland yellow violet western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul

Generated on 2025-03-15.   Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.

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