PlantQuest Species List for Kitsap County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* = Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Aphyllon purpureum Orobanchaceae eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Aquilegia formosa Ranunculaceae red columbine; Sitka columbine western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Arabis olympica Brassicaceae Olympics rockcress subalpine or alpine Jun, Jul, Aug
Aspidotis densa Pteridaceae Oregon; Indian's dream; podfern western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine [no flowers]
Carex inops ssp. inops Cyperaceae long-stolon sedge Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Castilleja levisecta Orobanchaceae golden paintbrush prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Collinsia parviflora Plantaginaceae small-flowered blue-eyed Mary; collinsia western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Conyza canadensis Asteraceae Canadian fleabane; horseweed eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; disturbed areas Jul, Aug, Sep
Corallorhiza mertensiana Orchidaceae Pacific coralroot; western coralroot western forest; eastern forest May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Cuscuta pacifica Convolvulaceae salt marsh dodder saltwater shores Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Epilobium brachycarpum Onagraceae autumn willow-herb; tall annual willow-herb western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald Jul, Aug
Epilobium minutum Onagraceae California willow-herb; chaparral willow-herb; small-flowered willow-herb western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Eriophyllum lanatum Asteraceae Oregon sunshine; common woolly sunflower eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Glehnia leiocarpa Apiaceae American glehnia saltwater shores May, Jun, Jul
Grindelia hirsutula Asteraceae gumweed eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; saltwater shores; disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia Saxifragaceae small-flowered alumroot May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Lomatium utriculatum Apiaceae bladder desert-parsley; spring-gold; common biscuit-root prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Lupinus bicolor Fabaceae field lupine; small-flowered lupine; two-color lupine prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Lupinus littoralis Fabaceae seashore lupine saltwater shores May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Mentha canadensis Lamiaceae wild mint freshwater Jul, Aug, Sep
Micranthes integrifolia Saxifragaceae Columbian saxifrage; swamp saxifrage; whole-leaf saxifrage western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; freshwater Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Montia parvifolia Montiaceae streambank springbeauty; littleleaf miner's lettuce western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Persicaria amphibia Polygonaceae water smartweed freshwater Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Petrophytum hendersonii Rosaceae Olympic Mountain rockmat subalpine or alpine Jul, Aug, Sep
Plagiobothrys scouleri Boraginaceae Scouler's popcorn-flower western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; freshwater May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Plectritis brachystemon Valerianaceae western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Plectritis congesta Valerianaceae western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun
Polygonum paronychia Polygonaceae beach knotweed; black knotweed saltwater shores May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Primula hendersonii Primulaceae broad-leaved shooting star; Henderson's shooting star western forest; prairie or bald Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Quercus garryana Fagaceae Garry oak; Oregon white oak western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Ranunculus occidentalis Ranunculaceae western buttercup western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald Mar, Apr, May, Jun
Sambucus cerulea Adoxaceae blue elderberry western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe; disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul
Saxifraga cespitosa Saxifragaceae tufted alpine saxifrage; tufted saxifrage western forest; eastern forest; subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Shepherdia canadensis Elaeagnaceae russet buffalo-berry; soapberry; soopolallie western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul
Silene latifolia * Caryophyllaceae white campion; evening catchfly western forest; eastern forest; freshwater; disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. idahoense Iridaceae Idaho blue-eyed grass Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Sium suave Apiaceae water parsnip; hemlock water-parsnip freshwater Jul, Aug
Solidago simplex var. simplex Asteraceae sticky goldenrod Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Orchidaceae hooded ladies'-tresses subalpine or alpine; prairie or bald; freshwater; saltwater shores; disturbed areas Jul, Aug, Sep
Toxicoscordion venenosum Melanthiaceae meadow death-camas; deadly zygadene eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe Apr, May, Jun
Trifolium oliganthum Fabaceae few-flowered clover prairie or bald Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Trifolium willdenovii Fabaceae sand clover; tomcat clover western forest; prairie or bald Apr, May, Jun, Jul
Triteleia hyacinthina Asparagaceae white brodiaea; fool's-onion; wild hyacinth western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; shrub-steppe May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Turritis glabra Brassicaceae tower mustard western forest; eastern forest; prairie or bald; freshwater; disturbed areas May, Jun, Jul

Generated on 2025-03-15.   Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.

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