Scientific Name (* Introduced) |
Family | Common Name | Habitat | Bloom Period |
Allium cernuum | Amaryllidaceae | nodding onion | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe | may, jun, jul |
Aquilegia formosa | Ranunculaceae | red columbine, western columbine, Sitka columbine | western forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine | may, jun, jul, aug |
Aspidotis densa | Pteridaceae | Indian's dream, Oregon cliff brake, podfern | western forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine | no flowers |
Carex inops ssp. inops | Cyperaceae | Long stolon sedge | apr, may, jun, jul | |
Carex macrocephala | Cyperaceae | largehead sedge, bighead sedge, bighead sedge | saltwater shores | jun, jul |
Castilleja levisecta | Orobanchaceae | golden Indian paintbrush | prairie or bald | apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep |
Collinsia parviflora | Plantaginaceae | small-flowered blue-eyed mary, maiden blue eyed Mary | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine | mar, apr, may, jun, jul |
Comarum palustre | Rosaceae | purple marshlocks, marsh cinquefoil | subalpine or alpine, freshwater | jun, jul, aug |
Cuscuta pacifica | Convolvulaceae | salt marsh dodder | saltwater shores | jun, jul, aug, sep, oct |
Dodecatheon hendersonii | Primulaceae | broad-leaved shooting star, Henderson's shooting star, mosquito bills | western forest, prairie or bald | mar, apr, may, jun |
Epilobium brachycarpum | Onagraceae | tall annual willowherb, autumn willowherb | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald | jul, aug |
Epilobium minutum | Onagraceae | chaparral willowherb | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald | apr, may, jun, jul, aug |
Eriophyllum lanatum | Asteraceae | common woolly sunflower, yarrow leaved eriophyllum | eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine | may, jun, jul, aug |
Glehnia leiocarpa | Apiaceae | |||
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia | Saxifragaceae | Smallflower alumroot | may, jun, jul, aug | |
Hippuris vulgaris | Plantaginaceae | common mare's-tail | freshwater | jun, jul, aug |
Lomatium utriculatum | Apiaceae | common lomatium, spring gold | prairie or bald | apr, may, jun |
Lupinus bicolor | Fabaceae | two-color lupine | prairie or bald, shrub-steppe | apr, may, jun, jul |
Lupinus littoralis | Fabaceae | seashore lupine | saltwater shores | may |
Maianthemum stellatum | Asparagaceae | starry false lily-of-the-valley, star-flowered solomon's-seal | western forest, eastern forest | may, jun, jul |
Mentha canadensis | Lamiaceae | |||
Menyanthes trifoliata | Menyanthaceae | buck-bean | freshwater | may, jun, jul, aug |
Micranthes integrifolia | Saxifragaceae | wholeleaf saxifrage | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine, freshwater | mar, apr, may, jun, jul |
Monotropa hypopitys | Ericaceae | pinesap, many-flower indian-pipe | western forest, eastern forest | may, jun, jul |
Persicaria amphibia | Polygonaceae | Water smartweed | freshwater | jun, jul, aug, sep, oct |
Petrophytum hendersonii | Rosaceae | Olympic Mountain rockmat | subalpine or alpine | jul, aug, sep |
Picea sitchensis | Pinaceae | Sitka spruce | western forest | may, no flowers |
Plectritis congesta | Valerianaceae | sea blush, rosy plectritis | western forest, prairie or bald | apr, may, jun |
Poa macrantha | Poaceae | seashore bluegrass, sand-dune bluegrass | saltwater shores | apr, may, jun, jul |
Polygonum paronychia | Polygonaceae | beach knotweed, black knotweed | saltwater shores | may, jun, jul, aug, sep |
Quercus garryana | Fagaceae | Oregon white oak, Garry oak | western forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe | may |
Ranunculus occidentalis | Ranunculaceae | western buttercup | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald | mar, apr, may, jun |
Rupertia physodes | Fabaceae | forest scurfpea, California-tea | western forest, prairie or bald | may, jun |
Salicornia depressa | Amaranthaceae | low saltwort | ||
Sanicula bipinnatifida | Apiaceae | purple sanicle, purple black-snakeroot | western forest, prairie or bald | may, jun |
Saxifraga cespitosa | Saxifragaceae | tufted alpine saxifrage | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, subalpine or alpine | apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep |
Sedum spathulifolium | Crassulaceae | western forest, prairie or bald | apr, may, jun | |
Shepherdia canadensis | Elaeagnaceae | russet buffaloberry, soopolallie, soapberry | western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe | may, jun, jul |
Silene latifolia * | Caryophyllaceae | bladder campion, white campion | western forest, eastern forest, disturbed areas | jun, jul, aug |
Solidago simplex var. simplex | Asteraceae | Dune goldenrod | jun, jul, aug, sep | |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Orchidaceae | hooded ladies'-tresses | prairie or bald, subalpine or alpine, freshwater, saltwater shores | jul, aug, sep |
Toxicoscordion venenosum | Melanthiaceae | grassy death camas | eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe | apr, may, jun |
Trifolium oliganthum | Fabaceae | few-flowerered clover | prairie or bald | mar, apr, may, jun, jul |
Trifolium willdenovii | Fabaceae | tomcat clover, springbank clover | western forest, prairie or bald | apr, may, jun, jul |
Turritis glabra | Brassicaceae | tower rockcress, tower mustard | western forest, eastern forest, freshwater, disturbed areas | may, jun, jul |
Vicia americana var. americana | Fabaceae | American vetch |
Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection. Generated on January 24, 2022
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