PlantQuest Species List for Clallam County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Ammophila arenaria *PoaceaeEuropean beach grass
Ammophila arenaria ssp. arenaria *PoaceaeEuropean beachgrasssaltwater shoresjun, jul, aug
Anemone oregana var. felixRanunculaceaeOregon anemone mar, apr, may, jun
Anthriscus sylvestris *Apiaceaewild chervildisturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Artemisia douglasianaAsteraceaeDouglas' sagewort, Douglas mugwort, Douglas wormwoodshrub-steppe, freshwateraug, sep
Callitriche stagnalis *Plantaginaceaepond water-starwortfreshwatermay, jun, jul, aug
Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare *CaryophyllaceaeCommon chickweed, big chickweed, mouse-ear chickweed mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Circaea alpina ssp. alpinaOnagraceae
Coptis laciniataRanunculaceaeOregon goldthreadwestern forestmay, jun, jul, aug
Cotoneaster simonsii *RosaceaeHimalayan cotoneaster, Simon's cotoneaster
Empetrum nigrumEricaceaeblack crowberrysubalpine or alpine, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Euphorbia peplus *Euphorbiaceaepetty spurgedisturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov-feb
Glyceria leptostachyaPoaceaedavy mannagrass, slender-spike mannagrass
Hosackia roseaFabaceae
Hypericum boreale *Hypericaceaenorthern St. Johnswort
Hypericum calycinum *Hypericaceaerose-of-sharondisturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Impatiens capensis *Balsaminaceaespotted touch-me-not, spotted touch-me-notjewelweedwestern forest, freshwater, disturbed areasaug, sep, oct
Impatiens pacificaBalsaminaceaePacific jewelweedwestern forest, freshwateraug, sep, oct
Iris tenaxIridaceaetough-leaved iris, Oregon irisfreshwaterapr, may, jun
Juncus acuminatusJuncaceaetapertip rush, sharp-fruited rush, tapered rush, knotty leaf rushfreshwatermay
Luzula subsessilisJuncaceae
Matthiola incana *Brassicaceae
Parnassia palustrisCelastraceaemarsh grass-of-Parnassus, small-flowered grass-of-Parnassuswestern forest, subalpine or alpine, freshwaterjul, aug
Persicaria hydropiper *Polygonaceae
Phacelia linearisHydrophyllaceaethread-leaf phacelia, thread-leaf scorpion-weedeastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Pinus contorta var. contortaPinaceaeLodgepole pine apr, may, jun
Poa bulbosa *Poaceaebulbous blue grasswestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun
Poa palustris *Poaceaefowl bluegrasswestern forest, eastern forest, freshwatermay, jun, jul, aug
Prunus cerasifera *Rosaceaecherry plumdisturbed areasmar
Prunus virginianaRosaceaechokecherrywestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Reseda alba *Resedaceaewhite upright mignonettedisturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Rumex occidentalis var. occidentalisPolygonaceae
Sagittaria rigida *Alismataceaearrowhead, sessilefruitfreshwaterjun, jul, aug
Sasa palmata *Poaceaebroadleaf bamboowestern forest, disturbed areas
Scutellaria laterifloraLamiaceaeblue skullcap, mad-dog skullcap, madweedfreshwaterjul, aug, sep
Sisyrinchium californicumIridaceaegolden blue-eyed grass, golden-eyed grassfreshwaterjun, jul
Soliva sessilis *Asteraceaefield burrweed, lawn burweeddisturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun
Veronica schizanthaPlantaginaceae
Vinca major *Apocynaceaegreater periwinkle, bigleaf periwinklewestern forest, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Viola macloskeyiViolaceaesmall white violetwestern forest, eastern forest, freshwatermay, jun, jul, aug

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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