PlantQuest Species List for Benton County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Allium neviiAmaryllidaceaeNevius' garliceastern forest, shrub-steppemay
Balsamorhiza hookeriAsteraceaeHooker's balsamroot, hairy balsamrooteastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Betula occidentalisBetulaceaewater birch, river birch, red bircheastern forest, subalpine or alpine, freshwatermar, apr, may, jun, nov-feb
Camassia quamash ssp. quamashAsparagaceaeCommon camas apr, may, jun
Cardamine nuttalliiBrassicaceaeNuttall's toothwort, slender toothwortwestern forest, eastern forestmar, apr, may
Castilleja miniataOrobanchaceaescarlet Indian paintbrushwestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine, saltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Clarkia pulchellaOnagraceaepinkfairies, deerhorn, ragged robineastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun
Claytonia parvifloraMontiaceaestreambank springbeautywestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun
Dodecatheon poeticumPrimulaceaepoet's shooting star, narcissus shooting star, poet's shootingstareastern forestmar, apr, may
Epilobium hallianumOnagraceaeHall's willowherbwestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Epilobium minutumOnagraceaechaparral willowherbwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or baldapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Eriogonum compositum var. compositumPolygonaceaeNorthern buckwheat may, jun, jul
Eschscholzia californica *PapaveraceaeCalifornia poppyprairie or bald, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Gayophytum heterozygumOnagraceaezigzag groundsmokeeastern forestjun, jul
Hieracium scouleriAsteraceaeScouler's woollyweed, Scouler's hawkweed, hound tongue hawkweedwestern forest, eastern forestjun, jul, aug
Hydrophyllum capitatumHydrophyllaceaeballhead waterleaf, wool breecheseastern forest, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun, jul
Hypericum scouleriHypericaceaeScouler's St. Johnswort, Norton's St. Johnswortwestern forest, eastern forest, freshwaterjun, jul, aug, sep
Idahoa scapigeraBrassicaceaeoldstem idahoa, scalepod, flatpodshrub-steppemar, apr, may
Ipomopsis aggregataPolemoniaceaescarlet gilia, skyrocketeastern forest, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpinemay, jun, jul, aug
Lathyrus pauciflorus var. pauciflorusFabaceaeFew-flowered peavine apr, may, jun
Lomatium columbianumApiaceaeColumbia Gorge desert-parsleyshrub-steppemar, apr
Lomatium nudicauleApiaceaebarestem biscuitroot, indian-consumption-plant, pestle parsnipeastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Lomatium piperiApiaceaeIndian biscuitrootshrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Lupinus bicolorFabaceaetwo-color lupineprairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Madia gracilisAsteraceaegrassy tarweed, slender tarweed, common tarweed, grassy tarplantwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Micranthes integrifoliaSaxifragaceaewholeleaf saxifragewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine, freshwatermar, apr, may, jun, jul
Micranthes nidificaSaxifragaceae eastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun, jul
Microseris nutansAsteraceaenodding microseris, nodding scorzonella, nodding silverpuffseastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Montia linearisMontiaceaenarrowleaf miner's-lettuce, narrow-leaved montiawestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Olsynium douglasii var. inflatumIridaceaegrass-widow, purple-eyed grass,eastern forest, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun
Persicaria lapathifoliaPolygonaceaepale smartweedfreshwater, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Plagiobothrys scouleriBoraginaceaeScouler's popcorn flowerwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, freshwatermay, jun, jul, aug
Plagiobothrys tenellusBoraginaceaePacific popcorn flower, slender popcorn flowershrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Salix exigua var. columbianaSalicaceae
Salix sitchensisSalicaceaeSitka willowwestern forest, freshwatermay, jun
Stuckenia pectinataPotamogetonaceae freshwater, saltwater shoresjul, aug, sep
Trifolium macrocephalumFabaceaelarge-head clover, big-head clovereastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun, jul
Vicia americana var. americanaFabaceaeAmerican vetch
Viola aduncaViolaceaehookedspur violet, early blue violetwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine, freshwaterapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Viola nuttallii var. praemorsaViolaceae
Viola trinervataViolaceaeRainier violet, sagebrush violet, 3-nerved violetshrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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