– pepper bolete, peppery bolete
Description: Also known as Boletus piperatus, Chalciporus piperatus is unique among PNW boletes in its overall coloration, small to medium size, and rather slender stipe. The cap is viscid when fresh but may become somewhat fibrillose and cracked in older specimens, reddish brown to rust brown or vinaceous brown, often with a mix of yellowish brown, and sometimes becoming more ochraceous brown in age. The tubes are yellowish to reddish yellow and the pores are angular, red to reddish brown, and darken when bruised. The stipe is rather slender and reddish brown or colored like the cap, except for the base which is covered with bright yellow mycelium. The flesh of the cap is yellowish buff or somewhat vinaceous to pinkish, and in the stipe brownish buff above and bright yellow in the base. The name “piperatus” comes from its peppery taste.
Distribution: It is widespread and can be rather common in some years, but usually is not abundant.
Habitat: woodland