14 genera
195 species
16 subspecies and varieties
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Agrocybe erebialeather earthscale, dark fieldcap
Agrocybe pediadescommon agrocybe, hemispheric agrocybe, common fieldcap
Agrocybe praecoxspring agrocybe, spring fieldcap
Description: A. praecox is a medium-sized fleshy mushroom that frequently grows in dense groups of single fruitbodies or small clusters. It is very common in newly landscaped areas containing mulch or wood chips and, as its name indicates, appears in spring or early summer (praecox is Latin for early). The cap is pale yellowish brown to buff, smooth, and may have slight veil remnants on its edge when young; in age it often cracks especially when the weather is dry. The stipe is whitish, longitudinally lined, often bears a fragile, disappearing ring, and usually connects to thick white mycelial cords in the soil.
Agrocybe putaminummulch fieldcap
Description: The cap is hemispherical and brown when young, becoming weakly convex, smooth, matt, and pale yellow-brown. The gills are clay-brown. The stem is smooth but grooved toward the top, cap-colored, and slightly swollen toward the base, which arises from white, root-like, mycelial cords.
Habitat: in parks, gardens, and roadsides
Substrate: woodchip mulch
Origin: Introduced
Agrocybe semiorbicularis
Description: Probably better known as Agrocybe pediades, A. semiorbicularis is a small variable mushroom that grows in grass, often in the company of species such as Panaeolus foenisecii. It has a hemispherical, slightly viscid cap that may crack somewhat in age and occasionally bears slight whitish veil remnants. The veil does not form a ring.
Galerina autumnalisdeadly Galerina
Galerina badipes
Origin: Native
Galerina marginatafuneral bell
Habitat: It occurs on stumps and logs of conifers and hardwoods, or grows from pieces of buried wood, wood chips, or other woody debris.
Galerina paludosabog bell, bog Galerina
Galerina pumila
var. pumila – dwarf bell
Galerina venenatadeadly lawn Galerina
Galerina vittiformishairy leg bell
Gymnopilus aeruginosusmagic blue Gym
Gymnopilus bellulus
Distribution: Europe to North America
Habitat: Conifer logs and stumps
Gymnopilus dilepis
Origin: Native
Gymnopilus junoniusfiery agaric, big laughing gym, giant gymnopilus, big laughing mushroom, spectacular rustgill
Gymnopilus luteofoliusgolden-gilled Gymnopilus
Gymnopilus penetranssmall yellow Gymnopilus, common rustgill
Distribution: Common and widespread
Habitat: On conifer and hardwood including stumps, logs, wood chips, and sawdust.
Gymnopilus punctifoliusblue-green flamecap
Gymnopilus sapineusfir flamecap, common and boring Gymnopilus, spruce Gymnopilus, scaly rustgill
Gymnopilus ventricosusjumbo Gym, giant Gymnopilus, big laughing mushroom
Habitat: Rotting logs, snags, or stumps
Hebeloma crustuliniformepoison-pie, poisonpie
Hebeloma incarnatulum
Distribution: Occurs in northern Europe, and was described from the Great Lakes region, so probably occurs throughout much of the north temperate and boreal areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: Has a special fondness for mossy areas, sphagnum or otherwise.
Hebeloma mesophaeumdark-centered Hebeloma, veiled Hebeloma, veiled poisonpie
Hebeloma sacchariolenssweet poisonpie
Hebeloma strophosumveiled Hebeloma
Hypholoma capnoidesconifer tuft, smoky-gilled woodlover
Distribution: It occurs thoughout the PNW, elsewhere in northern North America, and in Europe and Asia.
Habitat: Grows on conifer logs.
Hypholoma dispersumdispersed Naematoloma
Hypholoma elongatumsphagnum brownie
Hypholoma fascicularesulfur tuft, clustered woodlover
Distribution: Common in PNW
Habitat: Grows in clusters on logs and other large woody debris.
Hypholoma myosotisolive brownie
Leratiomyces ceresredlead roundhead
Leratiomyces squamosusscaly ringstalk
Melanotus horizontaliswood oysterling
Pholiota astragalinabitter Pholiota, pinkish-orange Pholiota, conifer scaly-cap
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Occurs widely in the temperate and boreal areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Pholiota aurivellagolden Pholiota, golden scaly-cap, golden scalycap
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Northern temperate and boreal forests
Pholiota carbonariaburnt-ground Pholiota, charcoal scalecap, charcoal scaly-cap
Pholiota flammansflaming Pholiota, yellow Pholiota, flaming scaly-cap
Pholiota highlandensisbonfire scaly-cap
Pholiota limonellalemon-yellow Pholiota
Pholiota populneadestructive Pholiota, poplar Pholiota
Pholiota spumosaslender Pholiota
Pholiota squarrosoidesbristly Pholiota
Pholiota subflavidapointed Pholiota
Pholiota terrestrisground Pholiota, terrestrial Pholiota
Psilocybe atrobrunnea
Habitat: Gregarious in swamps and bogs
Spores: August-October
Psilocybe baeocystisbaeos, potent psilocybe, knobby tops
Description: Sticky, conical, brown cap with brownish gills and off-white stalk; bruising blue.
Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in wood chips, on decayed wood, and decaying moss.
Spores: September-November
Psilocybe coprophilameadow muffin mushroom
Description: Sticky, brownish cap with brown gills and yellowish-brown stalk
Habitat: Singled to numerous, on horse or cow dung.
Spores: June-October
Psilocybe cyanescensblueleg brownie, cyans, blue halos, blueing psilocybe, potent psilocybe, wavy-capped psilocybe
Description: Tacky, wavy, brown cap, fading to yellowish, with brownish gills and whitish stalk; bruising blue.
Habitat: Several to many, in coniferous mulch
Spores: September-November
Psilocybe cyanofibrillosablue-haired psilocybe, rhododendron psilocybe
Psilocybe inquilinagrass rotting psilocybe
Psilocybe merdariadung mushroom
Substrate: Horse dung
Spores: April-October
Psilocybe montanamountain brownie, mountain moss psilocybe
Description: Small, dark brown mushroom; in moss.
Distribution: Has been reported from much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: Common at higher elevations
Substrate: Moss
Spores: July-September
Psilocybe pelliculosaconifer psilocybe
Description: Sticky, dark brown, conical cap with brown gills and off-white, hairy stalk.
Distribution: Confined to the Pacific Coast
Habitat: P. pelliculosa typically grows in groups among herbaceous plants in disturbed forest settings. It often can be found along trails or the edges of forest roads.
Substrate: Conifer mulch in woods
Spores: September to November
Psilocybe semilanceataliberty-cap, magic mushroom
Description: Slimy, narrowly conical, brown to tan cap with brownish gills and smooth, off-white stalk; in pastures and manured areas.
Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in tall grass and grassy hummocks in cow pastures.
Spores: Late August to November
Psilocybe stuntziiStuntz's blue-legs, blue-ringers, Stuntz's psilocybe
Description: Sticky, brownish cap with brownish gills and brownish, ringed stalk; bruising blue.
Distribution: It is not often found in natural habitats. It is another species apparently confined to the Pacific Coast, particularly the PNW.
Habitat: P. stuntzii occurs frequently in well mulched newly planted lawns, as well as in wood chips and other landscape settings.
Substrate: Coniferous wood-chip mulch
Spores: September-December
Stropharia aeruginosaverdigris roundhead, blue-green Stropharia
Stropharia ambiguaquestionable Stropharia
Distribution: Confined to the PNW, including northern California.
Habitat: Primarily in forest habitats on soil and leaf litter.
Stropharia caeruleablue roundhead
Stropharia hornemanniiluxuriant ringstalk, conifer roundhead, lacerated Stropharia
Distribution: It is widespread in the north temperate and boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: It sometimes occurs on intact conifer logs, but is most abundant on wood that has been more highly decomposed.
Stropharia kauffmaniiKauffman's Stropharia
Stropharia rugosoannulataking Stropharia, wine-cap Stropharia, wine-red Stropharia
Stropharia umbonatescensumbonate dung-dwelling Stropharia