8 genera
102 species
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Coprinellus disseminatusfairy bonnet, crumble cap, little helmet, fairy inkcap
Coprinellus micaceusglistening inkcap, glistening inky-cap, mica-cap
Habitat: Hardwood stumps, buried roots, and other organic debris.
Coprinopsis atramentariatippler's bane, common inkcap, alcohol inky, inky-cap
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Occurs widely in many natural and disturbed habitats, including gardens and other urban settings
Coprinopsis cinereagray shag
Coprinopsis lagopushare's foot inkcap
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Global.
Habitat: On compost, wood chips, horse manure, etc.
Origin: Native
Coprinopsis niveasnowy inkcap
Habitat: Grows on dung, primarily of cattle.
Lacrymaria lacrymabundaweeping-widow
Panaeolina foeniseciibrown hay-cap, haymaker, brown mottlegill, haymaker's mushroom, mower's mushroom, haymaker's Panaeolus
Panaeolus papilionaceuspetticoat mottlegill
Panaeolus semiovatusringed Anellaria, egghead mottlegill, ringed Panaeolus
Panaeolus subbalteatusbelted Panaeolus
Habitat: Occurs on dung (often of horses) or dung-rich soil in gardens or lawns.
Parasola plicatilisJapanese umbrella inky, pleated inky-cap, Japanese parasol
Habitat: Grows in grassy areas and among weedy plants along the edges of woodland trails
Psathyrella ammophila
Origin: Native
Psathyrella candolleana
Habitat: It is found around stumps or in grassy areas in the vicinity of buried roots of hardwood trees.
Psathyrella caput-medusaemedusa brittlestem
Psathyrella carbonicolacharcoal Psathyrella
Psathyrella gracilis
Habitat: Found in wood chips in landscaped areas and in natural settings under hardwoods such as alder and cottonwood.
Psathyrella incertadubious Psathyrella
Psathyrella longistriataringed Psathyrella
Habitat: Occurs in mixed forests, often ones containing alder.
Psathyrella piluliformiscommon stump brittlestem, clustered Psathyrella
Distribution: It is common throughout the U.S., including the PNW
Psathyrella spadiceachestnut brittlestem, date-colored Psathyrella
Psathyrella spadiceogriseaspring brittlestem
Psathyrella subnudasmooth-capped Psathyrella