2 genera
15 species
1 subspecies and varieties
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Bolbitius aleuriatusgrey bolbitius
Substrate: rotting wood, sawdust, and humus
Spores: fall and winter
Bolbitius reticulatusnetted fieldcap
Description: Bolbitius reticulatus forms caps that are convex becoming flat to shallowly umbonate. The cap surface is smooth or with netlike veins, sticky when damp, striate, pale to dark gray-brown with purplish lilac tints. The gills are cream at first, becoming cinnamon to rusty brown with age. The stem is narrow, smooth, and white.
Habitat: Woodlands
Substrate: stumps, fallen branches, and woody fragments
Bolbitius titubansyellow fieldcap
Description: Bolbitius titubans has a smooth but sticky, bright yellow, cone-shaped cap when young. The cap is thin, with a striate margin, and as it expands rapidly loses its color from the margin inward, becoming watery white to pale buff. The fills are pale yellowish brown, and the stem is narrow, fragile, and pale yellow in color, fading to white with age.
Habitat: Pastures and gardens
Conocybe apala
Description: Conocybe apala (C. lactea) has a narrow, conical, whitish cap, is extremely fragile, and grows in lawns.
Conocybe teneracommon cone-head, brown dunce-cap