
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

Browse by scientific name:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Scientific names beginning with H:
Hapalopilus nidulanscinnamon bracket, tender nesting polypore
Hebeloma crustuliniformepoison-pie, poisonpie
Hebeloma incarnatulum
Distribution: Occurs in northern Europe, and was described from the Great Lakes region, so probably occurs throughout much of the north temperate and boreal areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: Has a special fondness for mossy areas, sphagnum or otherwise.
Hebeloma mesophaeumdark-centered Hebeloma, veiled Hebeloma, veiled poisonpie
Hebeloma sacchariolenssweet poisonpie
Hebeloma strophosumveiled Hebeloma
Helvella acetabulumribbed-stalked cup, vinegar cup, brown-ribbed elfin-cup
Helvella atradark elfin saddle
Helvella compressacompressed elfin saddle
Helvella crispafluted white Helvella, wavy lorchel, white saddle, saddleback
Helvella elasticabrown elfin saddle, slender-stalked Helvella, smooth-stalked Helvella, flexible lorchel
Distribution: H. elastica occurs in summer and fall in both conifer and hardwood forests.
Helvella leucomelaenasooty cup, white-footed elfin cup, white-footed elfin-cup
Distribution: H. leucomelaena is found in spring and early summer in conifer forests, especially along paths and roadsides.
Helvella macropuslong-stalked gray cup, scurfy elfin-cup, felt saddle
Helvella maculatafluted brown elfin saddle
Helvella vespertinafluted black elfin saddle, black Helvella, fluted black Helvella
Hericium abietisbear's-head
Distribution: Common in PNW
Habitat: It grows on conifer logs, especially those of fir and hemlock.
Hericium coralloidescoral tooth fungus
Hericium erinaceusbearded hedgehog, lion's mane Hericium, unbranched Hericium, lion's-mane, hedgehog mushroom, old-man's-beard, satyr's-beard, bearded tooth
Heterobasidion annosum
Origin: Widespread in coniferous forests.
Heterobasidion irregulareannosus root rot
Description: Sessile, reflexed, or effuse. Cap may be elongated horizontally, or imbricate. Cap surface dark brown, sulcate, irregular, margin thin and sharp. Pores round to angular, pore surface cream, glancing.
Distribution: Widespread in North American coniferous forests, wherever hosts are found: Pinus, Juniperus, Calocedrus.
Habitat: Coniferous forests, wherever hosts are present: Pinus, Juniperus, Calocedrus. Generally inside stumps, at the base of snags or on the undersides of logs.
Substrate: Coniferous wood, rarely hardwoods.
Heterobasidion occidentale
Description: Sessile, reflexed, or effuse. Cap may be elongated horizontally, or imbricate. Cap surface dark brown, sulcate, irregular, margin thin and sharp. Pores round to angular, pore surface cream, glancing.
Distribution: Widespread in western North America from Alaska to southern Mexico.
Habitat: Coniferous forests, wherever hosts are present: Abies, Sequoiadendron, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga, and Picea. Generally inside stumps, at the base of snags or on the undersides of logs.
Substrate: Coniferous wood.
Origin: Widespread in coniferous forests.
Heterotextus alpinusgolden jelly cone, jelly cup
Habitat: Wet conifer
Heyderia abietisminiature earth-tongue, fir-needle Mitrula
Distribution: Uncommon
Habitat: Occurs in scattered groups on conifer needles.
Hohenbuehelia petaloidesleaflike oyster, shoehorn oyster
Humaria hemisphaericabrown-haired white cup, glazed cup, hairy fairy cup
Humidicutis marginata
var. olivacea – orange-gilled waxy-cap
Hydnellum aurantiacumorange Hydnellum, orange spine, orange rough-cap tooth, orange tooth
Distribution: Broad
Hydnellum caeruleumblue-gray Hydnellum, bluish Hydnellum, blue spine, blue tooth, bluish tooth
Distribution: Broad
Hydnellum concrescensconcrescent corky spine fungus, zonate tooth, zoned tooth
Hydnellum geogeniumyellow tooth
Hydnellum peckiibleeding Hydnellum, strawberries-and-cream, devil's tooth, red-juice tooth
Hydnellum scrobiculatumrough Hydnellum, ridged tooth
Hydnellum suaveolenssweet-smelling Hydnellum, sweet spine
Hydnochaete olivaceabrown-toothed crust
Hydnoporia tabacina
Distribution: Global, North and South, temperate and tropical.
Habitat: Woodlands and forests.
Substrate: Wood, primarily twigs and smaller branches or stems of hardwood trees and shrubs.
Hydnotrya cerebriformis
Habitat: Mountain conifer forests
Hydnum repandumyellow-toothed fungus, spreading hedgehog, wood hedgehog, hedgehog mushroom, sweet tooth
Hydnum umbilicatumnavel tooth fungus, depressed hedgehog
Hygrocybe cantharellusgoblet waxcap, chanterelle waxy-cap
Hygrocybe ceraceabutter waxcap, golden yellow waxgill
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere
Hygrocybe chlorophanagolden waxcap
Hygrocybe coccineascarlet hood, scarlet waxcap, righteous red waxy-cap, scarlet waxy-cap
Hygrocybe colemannianatoasted waxcap
Hygrocybe conicawitch's hat, blackening waxcap, conic waxcap, blackening waxy-cap
Distribution: Broad
Hygrocybe cuspidatapointed waxy-cap
Hygrocybe flavescensyellow waxcap, golden waxy-cap
Hygrocybe irrigataslimy waxcap
Hygrocybe lacmusgrey waxcap, violet waxcap, violet-gray waxy-cap
Hygrocybe laetissima
Distribution: West coast of North America.
Substrate: Soil.
Hygrocybe marchii
Distribution: Northern forests.
Habitat: Forested areas in mosses.
Substrate: Soil, mossy areas.
Hygrocybe miniata
Habitat: A wide variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mossy lawns.
var. miniata – vermilion waxcap, miniature waxy-cap
Hygrocybe pratensismeadow waxcap, meadow waxy-cap, salmon waxy-cap
Hygrocybe puniceacrimson waxcap, scarlet waxy-cap
Hygrocybe reidii
Distribution: Northern hemisphere.
Hygrocybe subminiata
Origin: Native
Hygrocybe virescenslime-green waxy cap
Distribution: Uncommon
Habitat: Redwoods
Hygrocybe virgineasnowy waxcap
Hygrophoropsis aurantiacafalse chanterelle
Hygrophoropsis morganii
Distribution: H. morganii occurs in conifer forests on needles and litter from June to October.
Hygrophorus agathosmusalmond-scented waxcap, gray almond waxy-cap, almond woodwax
Distribution: Fairly common in the PNW, northern California, and the Rocky Mountains. It is less common elsewhere in North America and also occurs in Europe and Asia.
Habitat: It grows in conifer forests, particularly with spruce.
Hygrophorus bakerensisbrown almond waxy-cap, Mt Baker waxy-cap
Distribution: It is common throughout the PNW and extends into northern California (where it is less common).
Habitat: Near rotting conifer
Hygrophorus borealissnowy waxy-cap
Hygrophorus calophyllusgray-brown waxy-cap
Hygrophorus camarophyllussmoky waxy-cap, sooty brown waxy-cap
Hygrophorus chrysodongolden-tooth waxcap, flaky waxy-cap, golden-fringed waxy-cap, gold flecked woodwax
Distribution: Widespread throughout Northern Hemisphere
Hygrophorus eburneuscowboy's handkerchief, ivory waxy-cap, ivory woodwax
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere
Hygrophorus erubescenspink waxy-cap, blotched woodwax
Hygrophorus gliocyclusglutinous waxy-cap
Hygrophorus goetzii
Habitat: near, or even in, snow as it melts in the late spring and early summer
Hygrophorus hypothejusherald-of-winter, late fall waxy-cap, olive-brown waxy-cap
Habitat: Pine forest
Hygrophorus marzuolusMarch mushroom
Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus
var. gracilis – sheathed waxy-cap
Hygrophorus penariusmatt woodwax
Hygrophorus pudorinusblushing waxcap, spruce waxy-cap, turpentine waxy-cap, rosy woodwax
Hygrophorus purpurascenspurple-red waxy-cap
Hygrophorus russulaRussula waxcap, Russula-like waxy-cap
Hygrophorus saxatilisRockies waxy-cap
Hygrophorus siccipes
Distribution: West coast of North America.
Habitat: Under 2- and 3- needle pines, particularly P. ponderosa, P. contorta, P. radiata and P. muricata.
Substrate: Sandy soils with moss cover.
Hygrophorus sordidussordid waxy-cap
Distribution: Uncommon
Hygrophorus speciosus
var. speciosus – larch waxy-cap
Hygrophorus subalpinussubalpine waxy-cap, white alpine waxy-cap
Hymenochaete corrugataglue crust
Hymenochaete rubiginosaoak curtain-crust
Hypholoma capnoidesconifer tuft, smoky-gilled woodlover
Distribution: It occurs thoughout the PNW, elsewhere in northern North America, and in Europe and Asia.
Habitat: Grows on conifer logs.
Hypholoma dispersumdispersed Naematoloma
Hypholoma elongatumsphagnum brownie
Hypholoma fascicularesulfur tuft, clustered woodlover
Distribution: Common in PNW
Habitat: Grows in clusters on logs and other large woody debris.
Hypholoma myosotisolive brownie
Hypomyces hyalinusAmanita mold
Hypomyces lactifluorumlobster mushroom, orange mushroom pimple
Distribution: Broad Broad
Substrate: Hypomyces lactifluorum, the lobster mushroom, grows in the tissue of certain russulas and lactariuses in the PNW, especially R. brevipes, and turns the host mushroom into a dense mass of mummified tissue.
Hypomyces luteovirensyellow-green Hypomyces, green mushroom pimple
Hypoxylon multiforme
Origin: Native