
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

Browse by scientific name:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Scientific names beginning with S:
Sarcodon calvatusrobust hedgehog
Sarcodon fuscoindicus
Habitat: Often occurs in moss near western hemlocks.
Sarcodon imbricatushawk-wing, scaly hedgehog, shingled hedgehog, scaly tooth
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: S. imbricatus is commonly found in the conifer forests of the PNW and in either conifer or mixed forests in the rest of North America and much of Europe.
Sarcodon rimosuscracked Hydnum
Sarcodon scabrosusbitter hedgehog, scaber Hydnum, bitter tooth
Distribution: Common in PNW
Habitat: S. scabrosus occurs in conifer forests in the PNW, especially in second-growth stands of western hemlock and Douglas-fir with a salal understory.
Sarcoporia polysproa
Description: Annual. Resupinate, or reflexed or sessile. Cap when present is white to light brown, drying reddish brown. Hymenium white drying reddish brown. Pores round.
Distribution: North America
Habitat: Forested areas.
Substrate: Found on both conifers and hardwoods.
Sarcoscypha coccineascarlet cup, scarlet cup fungus
Sarcosphaera columbiana
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in northeastern Washington; currently known only from northeastern Washington and Vancouver Island, BC.
Habitat: Mostly gregarious, with conifers, Pinus contorta, Abies grandis, Picea engelmannii, Larix occidentalis, and Pseudotsuga menziesii.
Origin: Native
Sarcosphaera coronariapink crown, violet crowncup, violet star cup, crown fungus
Distribution: S. coronaria occurs in spring, mostly in the mountains, often near melting snow, and is a harbinger of morel season. It also occurs in Europe and has been called S. crassa (Santi) Pouzar and S. eximia (Durieu & Léveillé) Maire.
Spores: The spores are broadly ellipsoid (13--22 x 7--10 µm) with blunt ends and usually two large oil drops.
Schizophyllum communecommon porecrust, split-gill
Schizopora paradoxasplit porecrust
Scleroderma areolatumleopard earthball, small potato
Scleroderma bovistapotato earthball
Scleroderma cepasmooth earthball
Scleroderma citrinumcommon earthball, pigskin poison puffball, thick-skinned puffball, golden Scleroderma
Scutellinia scutellataeyelash cup, eyelash pixie cup, common eyelash, eyelash fungus
Scytinotus longinquus
Origin: Native
Serpula himantioideswild dry-rot
Serpula lacrimansdry-rot
Skeletocutis niveahazel bracket
Sowerbyella rhenanastalked orange peel fungus
Sparassis crispaCauliflower mushroom
Distribution: It occurs in northern North America, Europe, and Asia.
Spores: The spores are white and may be produced on both surfaces of the leaf-like branches.
Spathularia flavidayellow earthtongue, fairy fan, spatula fungus
Sphaerobolus iowensisartillery fungus, cannon fungus, sphere thrower
Sphaerobolus stellatusartillery fungus, cannon fungus, shooting-star, sphere-thrower, sphere thrower
Spongiporus leucospongia
Distribution: North America.
Habitat: Montane forests with fir and spruce, forming under deep snow. Can be found up to timberline.
Substrate: Dead conifers.
Spores: Snowmelt.
Steccherinum ochraceumochre spreading tooth
Stereopsis humphreyi
Distribution: As far as we are aware, S. humphreyi has been reported only from the west side of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and the Queen Charlotte Islands in B.C. It probably also occurs in southeast Alaska and coastal Oregon and northern California; whether it occurs farther inland is less certain.
Stereum gausapatumbleeding oak crust
Stereum hirsutumhairy curtain crust, hairy parchment, hairy Stereum, false turkey-tail
Stereum ostreafalse turkey-tail
Stereum sanguinolentumbleeding conifer crust, bleeding conifer parchment
Strobilurus occidentaliswestern cone mushroom
Strobilurus trullisatusDouglas fir cone mushroom
Distribution: Broad
Substrate: Well rotted Douglas fir cones
Spores: small (3--6 x 1.5--3.5 µm) non-amyloid spores
Stropharia aeruginosaverdigris roundhead, blue-green Stropharia
Stropharia ambiguaambiguous stropharia
Distribution: Confined to the PNW, including northern California.
Habitat: Primarily in forest habitats on soil and leaf litter.
Stropharia caeruleablue roundhead
Stropharia hornemanniiluxuriant ringstalk, conifer roundhead, lacerated Stropharia
Distribution: It is widespread in the north temperate and boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: It sometimes occurs on intact conifer logs, but is most abundant on wood that has been more highly decomposed.
Stropharia kauffmaniiKauffman's Stropharia
Stropharia rugosoannulataking Stropharia, wine-cap Stropharia, wine-red Stropharia
Stropharia umbonatescensumbonate dung-dwelling Stropharia
Suillus albivelatusnorthern pine bolete
Habitat: S. albivelatus occurs in mixed conifer forests and appears to be associated with pines.
Suillus americanusAmerican slippery cap, American slippery jack, chicken-fat Suillus
Suillus brevipesshort-stemmed bolete, short-stemmed slippery jack, stubby-stalk, short-stalked Suillus
Habitat: It occurs primarily with two-needle pines during late summer and fall
Suillus caerulescensfat jack, blue-staining Suillus, Douglas-fir Suillus
Habitat: Occurs with Douglas fir
Suillus cavipeshollow bolete, hollow-stalked larch bolete, hollow-foot, hollow-stalked tamarack jack, hollow-stemmed tamarack jack, hollow stalk, hollow-stalked larch Suillus
Habitat: associated with larch when it occurs in the PNW.
Suillus granulatusgranulated bolete, milk bolete, weeping bolete, dotted-stalked slippery jack, granulated slippery jack, dotted-stalk Suillus
Suillus grevilleielegant bolete, larch bolete, tamarack jack, larch Suillus
Habitat: Associated with larch.
Suillus lakeiLake's bolete, western painted bolete, matte jack, Lake's slipperycap, western painted Suillus
Habitat: Occurs under Douglas fir.
Suillus luteusslippery jack
Suillus neoalbidipespale slipperycap
Suillus ochraceoroseusrosy bolete, rosy larch bolete
Habitat: Occurs with larch in higher and interior conifer forests, mostly in late spring and summer.
Suillus ponderosusheavy bolete
Suillus pseudobrevipesveiled short-stemmed slippery jack, pine slipperycap
Suillus punctatipes
Habitat: S. punctatipes is common in our moist conifer forests in fall, sometimes appearing in substantial numbers with true fir and western hemlock.
Suillus sibiricusSiberian slippery jack
Suillus subolivaceusslippery Jill, olive-capped Suillus
Suillus tomentosuswoolly pine bolete, blue-staining slippery jack, poor man's slippery jack, tomentose Suillus, woolly-capped Suillus, woollycap
Distribution: Very common and abundant in the PNW.
Habitat: S. tomentosus occurs primarily under lodgepole and shore pines.
Suillus umbonatusjellied bolete, slim jack, umbonate slippery jack
Distribution: It is broadly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: It is rather abundant at times in lodgepole pine forests in late summer and early fall, and in shore pine woodlands in fall, sometimes growing in clusters and lining the edges of moist depressions.
Suillus viscidusgrayish larch bolete
Habitat: Associated with larch.