
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

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Scientific names beginning with R:
22 genera
198 species, 39 subspecies and varieties
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Radulomyces copelandii
Origin: Native
Ramaria abietinagreen-staining coral
Distribution: It occurs across the U.S. and Canada and also in Europe and Asia.
Ramaria acrisiccescensblah coral
Habitat: It occurs throughout the conifer forests of the PNW.
Ramaria amyloideapale peach rusty-root
Ramaria apiculata
var. apiculata – green-tipped coral
Ramaria araiospora
Distribution: Restricted to the PNW.
var. araiospora – carmine coral, light red coral
var. rubella – crimson coral
Ramaria botrytiscauliflower coral, clustered coral, wine-tipped coral, pink-tipped coral mushroom
Ramaria celerivirescensgold rusty-root
Ramaria cyaneigranosa
var. cyaneigranosa – pink coral
var. elongata – pink pencils
var. persicina – peach fan
Ramaria cystidiophora
var. citronella – lemon fuzzy-foot
var. cystidiophora – fuzzy-footed coral, fuzzy-foot
var. fabiolens – beany fuzzy-foot
Ramaria formosayellow-tipped coral
Ramaria gelatinosa
var. oregonensis – gelatinous coral, Oregon gelatinous coral, gelatinous coral mushroom
Ramaria largentiigolden coral, Largent's coral
Ramaria leptoformosaslim formosa
Ramaria longisporaformosetta
Ramaria maculatipesformosa stainer
Ramaria magnipes
Habitat: Occurs mostly in the mountains east of the Cascade crest.
var. magnipes – big-base goldie
Ramaria rasilispora
var. scatesiana – Kit's creamy coral
Ramaria rubiginosayellow winey-base
Ramaria rubribrunnescenssweet formosa stainer
Ramaria rubricarnata
Origin: Native
Ramaria rubrievanescenspale pinky
Ramaria rubripermanensperma pinky
Ramaria sandaracina
var. chondrobasis – fused orange clump
var. euosma – sweet orange clump
Ramaria stricta
var. stricta – straight coral, straight-branched coral, upright coral, strict coral mushroom
Ramaria velocimutanswhite rusty-root
Ramaria vinosimaculanspale winey-base
Ramariopsis kunzeiivory coral, white coral
Rhizina undulatacrustlike cup, rooting fairy cup, doughnut fungus, pine fire fungus
Rhizopogon occidentaliswestern Rhizopogon
Habitat: Pine and Douglas fir forests
Rhizopogon rubescensblushing false truffle
Rhodocollybia butyraceabutter-cap, buttery Collybia
Habitat: Conifer forests
Spores: pale pinkish buff, relatively large (mostly 7-9 x 3.5-4 µm) and tear-shaped, almond-shaped, or ellipsoid
Rhodocollybia maculataspotted Collybia, spotted toughshank
Substrate: Clusters on or near rotting conifer wood
Rhodocollybia oregonensisfragrant Collybia
Rhodofomes cajanderirosy polypore
Rhodonia placenta
Distribution: Northern hemisphere.
Habitat: Coniferous forests.
Substrate: Wood.
Rhodophana nitellina
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: Forested areas, in humus or leaf litter.
Substrate: Soil, litter.
Rhodotarzetta roseapink burn cup
Rhytisma punctatumspeckled tarspot
Distribution: Broad North America, introduced to Europe
Substrate: Extremely common on maples in both forest and urban areas
Rickenella fibulaorange moss agaric, orange nail fungus, orange mosscap
Distribution: It occurs in mossy forest habitats but also is a common urban mushroom, occurring in small to large groups in mossy lawns of homes, parks, and similar habitats.
Roridomyces roridusdripping bonnet, slippery Mycena
Russula adustawinecork brittlegill
Distribution: Western
Habitat: Conifer forests
Russula aerugineagreen brittlegill, grass-green russula, tacky green russula
Russula albonigrablack and white russula, blackening russula, integrated russula
Russula americanaAmerican russula
Russula bicolorbicolored russula
Russula brevipesshort-stemmed russula
Distribution: Broad, common
Russula cascadensisCascade russula
Russula cessanstardy brittlegill
Russula chamaeleontinasmall yellow russula
Russula claroflavayellow swamp brittlegill
Description: Cap round, bright lemon-yellow to yellow, convex to flat, slightly sticky when wet. Gills start out white and slowly turn pale ocher. the stem is white and smooth. Occasionally gills and stipe turn gray-black when bruised or become gray with age.
Habitat: wet woodlands, marshes, swamps, and bogs with birch
Substrate: moss
Russula crassotunicata
Description: A mostly white fungus often found growing on well rotted wood. Its cap may be somewhat creamy or yellowish and the gills and stipe often develop brownish stains. Its most distinctive characteristic is its thick, tough, rubbery cap cuticle that often can be completely peeled away from the cap flesh. The spores are white and the taster is bitter to acrid.
Habitat: Old-growth forests
Substrate: Well rotted wood
Russula cremoricolorcreamy russula
Russula crenulata
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: All variety of forests with both conifers and hardwoods
Russula cyanoxanthaCharcoal Burner
Description: Has been referred to as \'the Chameleon\' due to its large palette of colors including dull violets, purples, and gray-greens.
Habitat: woodland
Russula decoloranscopper brittlegill, graying russula
Description: Cap is copper-orange to dull orange to reddish brown. The gills are white to pale ocher. The stipe is white and smooth and all parts discolor gray to black when handled or cut.
Habitat: woodland; northern and montane conifer forests
Russula densifoliacrowded brittlegill, reddening russula
Russula dissimulansred and black russula
Russula emeticaemetic russula, the sickener
Description: Cap is scarlet to cherry-red and the top layer peels easily. Gills are white. Stipe is white as well and smooth to finely and irregularly ridged.
Habitat: damp or wet woodlands, with conifers in particular
Russula flavicepsyellow cap russula
Russula foetensstinking brittlegill
Russula fragilisfragile brittlegill, fragile russula
Description: Small to small-medium species with very fragile flesh that becomes water-soaked very quickly. The cap color is generally a mix of watery purple, pink, and olivaceous green on a whitish to grayish background, and the cap edge is translucent-striate. The spores are white, the odor mild or pleasantly fruity, and the taste very acrid. It occurs singly or in small groups, often on or near well rotted wood.
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Near or well-rotted wood
Russula griseagrey russula
Russula heterophyllagreasy green brittlegill
Russula laurocerasialmond-scented russula
Description: One of the larger russulas. It has a viscid yellowish brown cap with a grooved margin, whitish to brown-stained stipe, and strong, but generally pleasant, odor of almond extract or maraschino cherries. The spores are cream to pale yellow and the taste is very acrid.
Distribution: Western
Russula lilacealilac brittlegill
Russula nigricansblackening brittlegill, blackening russula
Description: a large, hard mushroom, with brownish or blackish brown cap and flesh that turns red when bruised; it blackens almost completely in age. The spores are white and the taste is mild to slightly acrid.
Distribution: Broad Widespread in Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: woodlands
Russula occidentaliswestern russula
Description: It is a medium-sized or larger mushroom, with a variably colored cap---usually it is purplish with a yellow-green center, but it can appear in many shades of purplish, olive-green, and browns, usually in mixtures. The gills are cream to pale yellowish and the stipe is white and often turns grayish in age or when handled, sometimes with a reddish phase. The flesh is white and turns reddish to grayish to black when exposed. The spores are cream-colored.
Distribution: Broad, common
Habitat: Conifer forests
Russula olivaceaolive brittlegill, rainbow Russula, tan-colored Russula
Russula parazureapowdery brittlegill, blue Russula
Russula pelargoniaPelargonium brittlegill
Russula phoenecia
Origin: Native
Russula placitapleasing Russula
Russula sanguinariabloody brittlegill, rosy Russula
Russula stuntzii
Distribution: Coastal Pacific Coast, from British Columbia to California
Habitat: Conifer forests, on or near rotting wood
Russula xerampelinacrab brittlegill, shrimp mushroom, shrimp Russula
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Variety of forest types