
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

Browse by scientific name:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Scientific names beginning with G:
Galerina autumnalisdeadly Galerina
Galerina badipes
Origin: Native
Galerina marginatafuneral bell
Habitat: It occurs on stumps and logs of conifers and hardwoods, or grows from pieces of buried wood, wood chips, or other woody debris.
Galerina paludosabog bell, bog Galerina
Galerina pumila
var. pumila – dwarf bell
Galerina venenatadeadly lawn Galerina
Galerina vittiformishairy leg bell
Ganoderma applanatumartist's bracket, artist's conk, artist's fungus
Ganoderma lucidumlacquered bracket, varnished conk, reishi
Distribution: Europe.
Ganoderma oregonensewestern varnished conk
Habitat: Occurs on conifers and hardwoods.
Ganoderma polychromum
Distribution: On nonnative hardwood trees. Primarily in California, Nevada and Oregon.
Habitat: Oak woodlands, urban trees, both native and nonnative.
Substrate: Hardwoods.
Origin: Introduced
Gastroboletus turbinatusbogus bolete, gastroid bolete
Description: The genus Gastroboletus is used for secotioid fungi that are similar to species of Boletus. Usually a cap is present and typically it is rounded or flattened with the margin turned down. However, in G. ruber (Zeller) Cázares & Trappe (= Truncocolumella rubra Zeller), the cap is so reduced that it looks like a false truffle without a complete peridium. In most Gastroboletus species the tubes are elongated, curved or contorted, and often olive to brown. The stipe is usually short and stout or sometimes forms a columella. G. turbinatus is our most common species, occurring from spring through fall. At first glance, the fruitbody looks like a bolete, such as Boletus chrysenteron---the cap is velvety and brown with yellowish and reddish areas, the stipe is rather short, pointed below, yellowish with small reddish scales and granules, and the pores are rather large, reddish and stain blue. The tubes are long, curved, yellow to greenish yellow and clearly indicate its secotioid nature. The flesh is yellowish, with some red just below the cap cuticle, and the whole interior stains blue after cutting.
Distribution: Broad
Geastrum floriformedaisy earthstar, flower earthstar
Geastrum rufescensreddish earthstar, rosy earthstar
Geastrum saccatumbowl earthstar, rounded earthstar, sessile earthstar
Distribution: Earthstars are not particularly abundant in forested areas of the PNW. Many species are more characteristic of drier woodlands and even deserts, so the diversity of earthstars and many other gasteromycetes is much higher in the southwestern U.S. G. saccatum is widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and we have seen it, or a dead-ringer for it, in Tasmania, Australia.
Geastrum triplexcollared earthstar, saucered earthstar
Genabea cerebriformiswhite geode truffle
Genea harknessiidark geode truffle
Geoglossum fallaxbrown earth tongue
Geoglossum umbratileblack earth-tongue
Geopora arenosa
Distribution: Northern hemisphere.
Substrate: Soil, especially sandy or burned.
Geopora cooperiCooper's truffle, fuzzy false truffle, fuzzy truffle, pine truffle
Distribution: It is ectomycorrhizal with conifers, widely distributed, and occurs almost year-round.
Spores: long cylindrical asci, each with eight smooth, broad elliptical spores that are forcibly ejected at maturity
Geopyxis carbonariaearth box, dwarf acorn cup, pyxie cup, stalked bonfire cup
Habitat: Occurs after conifer forest fires
Spores: The spores are smooth, ellipsoid, 11--18 x 6--9 µm, and do not contain prominent oil drops.
Geopyxis vulcanalisvulcan pixie cup
Gerhardtia foliicola
Origin: Native
Gerronema atrialbum
Origin: Native
Gilkeya compactared geode truffle
Gliophorus laetusheath waxcap, orange-brown waxy-cap
Distribution: Widespread in northern hemisphere.
Habitat: Damp soil among mosses and ferns, in forests and bogs.
Substrate: Soil.
Gliophorus psittacinusparrot waxy-cap
Description: Glutinous or slimy green cap and stem when young. Cap margin striate. Gills waxy, well-spaced, and green when young. Cap ages to red, pink, yellow, or tawny. Stem ages to yellow or orange.
Distribution: Widespread in northern hemisphere.
Habitat: Damp forests, woodlands, pastures, roadsides.
Substrate: Soil
Gloeophyllum sepiariumconifer mazegill, rusty-gilled polypore, yellow-red gill polypore
Gloeoporus dichrousgelatinous pored polypore
Gloiodon occidentalis
Distribution: Pacific Northwest
Habitat: Coniferous forests
Substrate: Conifer wood
Gloioxanthomyces nitidusnested waxcap
Distribution: North America.
Gomphidius glutinosusglutinous Gomphidius, hideous Gomphidius, slimy Gomphidius, slimy spike
Gomphidius maculatushideous Gomphidius, larch spike
Gomphidius oregonensisclustered Gomphidius, insidious Gomphidius
Gomphidius smithiiSmith's Gomphidius
Gomphidius subroseusrosy Gomphidius
Gomphus bonariiBonar's gomphus
Gomphus clavatuspig's-ear gomphus, pig's-ear, pig's-ears
Distribution: Western
Habitat: Conifer forests
Gomphus floccosusscaly chanterelle, scaly vase chanterelle, wooly chanterelle
Description: Not truly wooly, Gomphus floccosus is more accurately characterized by the coarse scales that usually line its deeply vase-shaped cap. However, it is a highly variable fungus and the degree of scaliness is by no means constant. In its common form, the cap when fresh is a deep reddish orange, but fades with age and old pale specimens can be found that might seem to be a different fungus. The fertile surface is whitish to pale yellowish and highly wrinkled and forked, with portions appearing almost like pores in older specimens. The size of the fruitbodies varies from small-medium to fairly large and the shape can be tall and slender or short and squatty with the vase shape being more or less developed.
Distribution: Broad Common in Western and North America
Habitat: Conifer Forests; woodland
Gomphus kauffmaniiKauffman's gomphus
Distribution: Western Western North America
Habitat: Old-growth conifer forests; conifer forests in general
Grifola frondosasheep's head, hen-of-the-woods, maitake
Guepinia helvelloidesapricot jelly, apricot jelly mushroom, candied red jelly mushroom, salmon salad
Gymnopilus aeruginosusmagic blue Gym
Gymnopilus bellulus
Distribution: Europe to North America
Habitat: Conifer logs and stumps
Gymnopilus dilepis
Origin: Native
Gymnopilus junoniusfiery agaric, big laughing gym, giant gymnopilus, big laughing mushroom, spectacular rustgill
Gymnopilus luteofoliusgolden-gilled Gymnopilus
Gymnopilus penetranssmall yellow Gymnopilus, common rustgill
Distribution: Common and widespread
Habitat: On conifer and hardwood including stumps, logs, wood chips, and sawdust.
Gymnopilus punctifoliusblue-green flamecap
Gymnopilus sapineusfir flamecap, common and boring Gymnopilus, spruce Gymnopilus, scaly rustgill
Gymnopilus ventricosusjumbo Gym, giant Gymnopilus, big laughing mushroom
Habitat: Rotting logs, snags, or stumps
Gymnopus acervatusclustered Collybia, conifer toughshank
Habitat: Conifer forests
Substrate: Rotting logs and stumps, other woody debris
Gymnopus confluenstufted Collybia, clustered toughshank
Distribution: Mixed woods with heavy litter accumulations
Gymnopus dryophiluscommon Collybia, oak Collybia, June mushroom, russet toughshank
Spores: whitish to pale yellow, smooth, and do not react in Melzer’s reagent
Gymnopus erythropusredleg toughshank
Distribution: Northern hemisphere
Habitat: Forested areas
Gymnopus luxurians
Distribution: It occurs in a variety of urban and suburban habitats including flower beds with wood chips and in lawns around the roots of trees. It can appear in summer, when few other species are fruiting, if sufficient moisture is available, such as from yard-watering.
Gymnopus perforansstinking parachute
Gymnopus peronatuswood woolly-foot
Distribution: G. peronatus is a widespread and often extremely abundant species at lower elevations in the PNW, occurring in mixed woods on leaf litter and woody debris.
Spores: long and narrow and the edges of the gills have long, slender cheilocystidia
Gyromitra ancilisthick cup, pig's ears
Gyromitra californicaCalifornia false morel, umbrella false morel
Gyromitra esculentaelephant-ears, lorchel, lorel, beefsteak morel, conifer false morel, brain mushroom
Gyromitra infulahooded false morel, saddle-shaped false morel
Gyromitra montanasnow mushroom, the walnut
Distribution: Occurs in early summer, often near melting snowbanks.
Gyroporus castaneuschestnut bolete