Page author: David Giblin
Ranunculus basalticus
basalt buttercup

Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington, where endemic to Kittitas, Yakima, and Klickitat counties.

Habitat: Sagebrush desert, grassy slopes, and open Quercus garryana forests.

Flowers: March-June

Origin: Native

Growth Duration: Perennial

Conservation Status: Not of concern


Perennial herbs, 5–25 cm, glabrate, cespitose. Roots fibrous-thickened, to 15 cm long, tapering only slightly throughout their length. Stems lax, sometimes arcuate, generally longer than high, red when young, drying brownish, with conspicuous to inconspicuous longitudinal ribs. Leaves basal, 5–15, long-petiolate, petioles to 8 cm; blades ternate, occasionally simple and lobed to base, wider than to as wide as high, 6–22 3 15–32 mm, lightly bluish-green; leaflets mostly sessile, occasionally on flattened petiolules to 4 mm long, usually with three deeply divided lobes; leaflet lobes (0-)3(-5), 2–22 3 1–10 mm, shallowly to fully cleft, broadly oblanceolate to ovate or obovate, margins entire.


With 1–2 bracts, bracts ternate, occasionally simple and lobed to base, from wider than high to higher than wide, 2.5 cm 3 2.5 cm, bractlets or bractlet lobes oblanceolate to ovate or obovate, margins entire; flowers typically terminal and solitary, occasionally also axillary.


Bisexual; sepals 5(6), free, often red and gibbous when young, brownish-green at maturity, glabrous, 5–9 3 3–6 mm, ovate-elliptic, with conspicuous, mostly parallel veins; petals 5, free, yellow, sometimes drying white, glabrous, 7–13 x 5–11 mm, obovate with short, broad claw, veins conspicuous, branching distally; nectary to 2 mm, golden, margins adnate with petal nearly entire length, distal margin entire to shallowly bifid, eciliate; stamens clavate, anther sacs to 1.2 mm, confluent with filaments, dehiscing abaxially; filaments flattened at anthesis, to 3 mm in length at maturity; carpels 25–40, glabrous at anthesis with straight, flattened beak.


Mature achenes to 2 mm long, sparsely short-hairy, moderately compressed laterally, keeled dorsally, beak strongly curved to uncinate.

Accepted Name:
Ranunculus basalticus Giblin
Publication: Madroño, 70(4) : 242-247. 2023.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Ranunculus basalticus in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Ranunculus basalticus checklist entry

OregonFlora: Ranunculus basalticus information

E-Flora BC: Ranunculus basalticus atlas page

CalPhotos: Ranunculus basalticus photos

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