Page author: Wynn Tranfield
Neohygrophorus angelesianus

Distribution: Commonly found in the mountains near melting snow but also can appear on bare soil, in meadows, or even at lower elevations under conifers, far from any snow.

Spores: amyloid spores

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Identification Notes:

The entire mushroom is about the same color, purple, violet, or vinaceous when fresh, usually with a mix of brown; the cap fades greatly in age. The gills are fairly distant and waxy, giving it the appearance of a wax-cap. It has two distinctive microscopic features---amyloid spores and vinaceous to brownish pink gill tissue when mounted in 3% potassium hydroxide. It occurs primarily in spring, but sometimes can be found in summer and fall as well. It is most peculiar that such a distinctive fungus traveled for a long time under two names, N. angelesianus (or Hygrophorus angelesianus A. H. Smith & Hesler, its original name) and Clitocybe mutabilis H. E. Bigelow.

Accepted Name:
Neohygrophorus angelesianus (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Neohygrophorus angelesianus in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

CalPhotos: Neohygrophorus angelesianus photos

1 photographs:
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