Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains, also from the central U.S. to the Atlantic Coast of eastern North America.
Habitat: Open woodlands, forest edge, moist meadow and forest openings from sea level to middle elevations in the mountains.
Flowers: April-July
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Pollination: Bees, flies
Finely pubescent perennial herbs from wide-spreading rhizomes, the erect, unbranched flowering stems 3-9 dm. tall.
Leaves alternate, sessile, ovate-oblong, pointed, 7-20 cm. long and 4-8 cm. broad.
Inflorescence a numerous-flowered, freely-branching panicle 5-12 cm. long; tepals 6, distinct, 1.5 mm. long, creamy-white, narrowly oblong; stamens 6, 2.5-3 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, broader than the tepals; style 0.5-1 mm. long.
Fruit a globose, reddish berry, 5-7 mm. long.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Maianthemum racemosum in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
WA Flora Checklist: Maianthemum racemosum checklist entry
OregonFlora: Maianthemum racemosum information
E-Flora BC: Maianthemum racemosum atlas page
CalPhotos: Maianthemum racemosum photos