Page author: Julie Jones
Inocybe lanuginosa
woolly Inocybe

Distribution: Fairly common in the PNW

Habitat: Occurs more frequently west of the Cascade crest

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Identification Notes:

Although the photograph illustrates Inocybe lanuginosa, it could just as well be used for I. leptophylla, which is indistinguishable based on macroscopic characteristics. Both are rather small, densely scaly and, unusual for inocybes, usually are found on rotting wood. The odor varies from mild to unpleasant to spermatic. The two species are distinguished easily using microscopic characteristics. I. lanuginosa has spores 8--10 µm long, with about 8--12 warts, and ovate, thick-walled, encrusted cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia. I. leptophylla has spores 8.5--12 µm long, with 12--20 warts; thin-walled, slender cheilocystidia and no pleurocystidia.

Accepted Name:
Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Inocybe lanuginosa in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

CalPhotos: Inocybe lanuginosa photos

3 photographs:
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