Page author: David Giblin
Hypericum majus
greater Canadian St. John's wort

Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to the Atlantic Coast.

Habitat: Peatlands, shores, damp sand, and cranberry farms.

Flowers: July-September

Origin: Both native and introduced from eastern North America

Growth Duration: Perennial

Conservation Status: Sensitive in Washington (WANHP)

Pollination: Bumblebees, bees, flies, wasps


Perennial from short, leafy rhizomes, the stems upright, 1-5 dm. tall, simple or branched above.


Leaves opposite, sessile, lanceolate to oblong, rounded, 1-3.5 cm. long, 5- to 7-nerved.


Inflorescence of terminal cymes with small, linear bracts; sepals 5, lanceolate, 4-7 mm. long; petals 5, yellow, about equal to the sepals; stamens 15-35, the filaments almost capillary, distinct; styles 3, short.


Capsule 3-celled.

Accepted Name:
Hypericum majus (A. Gray) Britton
Publication: Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 5(15): 225. 1894.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Hypericum canadense L. var. majus A. Gray
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Hypericum majus in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Hypericum majus checklist entry

OregonFlora: Hypericum majus information

E-Flora BC: Hypericum majus atlas page

CalPhotos: Hypericum majus photos

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