Erythranthe microphylla
small-leaved monkey-flower

Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; central British Columbia to California, east to western Idaho and Nevada.

Habitat: Rocky slopes, wet meadows, streambanks, and seeps from lowland areas to middle elevations in the mountains.

Flowers: April-July

Origin: Native

Growth Duration: Annual

Conservation Status: Not of concern


Annuals with fibrous roots; stems usually 5-30 cm, erect, unbranched or many-branched from nodes nearest base, not angled or distinctly 4-angled, glabrous below inflorescence, distal portions of stems sometimes hirtellous with hairs that are occasionally deflexed, sometimes mixed with stipitate glands or occasionally only short villous-glandular.


Leaves basal and cauline, basal leaves occasionally deciduous by flowering; petioles 3-5 mm from base to mid-stem, becoming sessile and nearly clasping to perfoliate distally; blade commonly somewhat purple, narrowly ovate to ovate to elliptic to nearly orbicular, 10-35 mm long and 3-25 mm broad, palmate venation with 3-5 veins, base rounded to wedge or nearly heart-shaped, margins more or less crenate or nearly serrate with 5-10 teeth per side, basal and lower cauline leaves irregularly incised near base becoming nearly lyrate; apex acute to obtuse-rounded, surfaces glabrous or with sparse to moderate coverage of small rigid hairs, eglandular.


Axillary flowers 1-8, emerging from nodes towards ends of stems; fruiting pedicels 8-30 mm, hairy-glandular as stems; calyx nodding at 30-90 degrees, occasionally somewhat reddish or red-dotted, ovoid-campanulate to widely cylindric-campanulate, inflated, compressed across sagittal plane, usually 9-16 mm, hirtellous or glabrous, throat closing weakly or strongly; corollas yellow to dark yellow to orangish yellow, typically with red spots, lower limb occasionally with large red splotch, symmetric bilaterally, bilabiate; tube-throat widely funnel-shaped, 8-16 mm, protruding 2-6 mm beyond calyx margin; limb expanded 8-25 mm, palate villous; styles slightly hirtellous; anthers not protruding, glabrous.


Capsules 6-9 mm, included.

Accepted Name:
Erythranthe microphylla (Benth.) G.L. Nesom
Publication: Phytoneuron 40: 1–123. 2012.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Mimulus guttatus DC. var. depauperatus (A. Gray) A.L. Grant [HC]
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Erythranthe microphylla in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Erythranthe microphylla checklist entry

OregonFlora: Erythranthe microphylla information

E-Flora BC: Erythranthe microphylla atlas page

CalPhotos: Erythranthe microphylla photos

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