Distribution: It is widespread, but not particularly common.
Substrate: C. clavus occurs in spring and early summer on very wet plant debris, such as cones and twigs, often at least partly submerged in running water.
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Cudoniella clavus, like Ascocoryne sarcoides, is an inoperculate discomycete and not a true basidiomycete jelly-fungus. However, its appearance often is more similar to the jelly-fungi than to the cup-fungi and so we place it here. The fruitbodies range from shield-like, with well formed stipes, to more or less like squatty gumdrops, but always are more or less cream-colored, sometimes with grayish, ocher, or violaceous tints.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Cudoniella clavus in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
CalPhotos: Cudoniella clavus photos