Cortinarius mutabilis
purple-staining cortinarius

Habitat: Occurs in a variety of habitats with different conifers and is more frequent in moist areas. Most commonly found along the coast, especially with Sitka spruce.

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Identification Notes:

Cortinarius mutabilis is one of a handful of viscid-capped species that stain purple when bruised or cut. It is medium-sized, violet to violet-gray, and a club-shaped stipe. In age it develops grayish and brownish colors. The flesh is pale to darker violaceous and the odor is not distinctive. C. porphyropus is another purple-staining species that occurs in our area in mixed woods. It is more slender than C. mutabilis, its cap is often pale grayish to brownish, without distinct lilac colors, and it has a narrow, clavate stipe base. C. purpurascens has a viscid ocher brown to red-brown or darker brown cap with a violet stipe and gills, and a bulbous base with a rim.

Sources: Trudell, Steve and Joe Ammirati. Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Portland, Timber Press, Inc. 2009.

Accepted Name:
Cortinarius mutabilis A.H. Sm.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Cortinarius mutabilis in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

CalPhotos: Cortinarius mutabilis photos

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