Page author: David Giblin
Berteroa incana
hoary alyssum

Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east across most of North America to the Atlantic Coast.

Habitat: Uncommon in dry, waste places in most of the Pacific Northwest; common in northeast Washington.

Flowers: May-August

Origin: Introduced from Europe

Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial, Perennial

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Pollination: Bees, flies, butterflies


Gray-stellate annual, the stems usually sparingly-branched at the base and freely-branched above, erect, 3-11 dm. tall.


Basal leaves oblanceolate, entire, 3-5 cm. long, slender-petiolate; cauline leaves similar to the basal, numerous, alternate, appressed-ascending, sessile, gradually reduced to small bracts above.


Inflorescence of simple or compound racemes; pedicels slender, erect, 5-10 mm. long; sepals 4, 2-3 mm. long; petals 4, white, 4-6 mm. long; stamens 6, the filaments flattened; style slender, persistent; stigma weakly lobed.


Silicles oblong-elliptic, 5-7 mm. long and half as broad, moderately inflated, stellate, the valves lightly nerved near the base; seeds in 2 series, wing-margined.

Accepted Name:
Berteroa incana (L.) DC.
Publication: Syst. Nat. 2: 291. 1821.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Alyssum incanum L.
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Berteroa incana in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Berteroa incana checklist entry

OregonFlora: Berteroa incana information

E-Flora BC: Berteroa incana atlas page

CalPhotos: Berteroa incana photos

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