Habitat: woodlands
Substrate: rotten stumps, fallen logs, and branches
Spores: Late summer and fall
Conservation Status: Not of concern
Edibility: not edible
not edible
Spores are white (18-30 x 4-6 um), mltiseptate at maturity, smooth, biseriate, hyaline, and sometimes forming one to several tiny secondary spores. Asci are amyloid (205-220 x 10-12 um), paraphyses filiform, cylindrical, and unbranched. Fruitbody: Growth up to 1/8 inches. Cup diameter up to 1 inch. Ascocoryne sarcoides is generally smaller and less disc-shaped. Ascotrmella faginea is gelatinous and reddish purple, but forms fruitbodies that are brain-like, rather than disc-shaped.
Sources: Roberts, Peter and Evans, Shelley. The Book of Fungi. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Beug, Michael W., Alan E. Bessette, and Arleen R. Bessette. Ascomycete Fungi of North America. Austin, University of Texas Print, 2014.
PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Ascocoryne cylichnium in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database
CalPhotos: Ascocoryne cylichnium photos