PlantQuest Species List for Lewis County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Agrostis capillaris *Poaceaecolonial bentgrassprairie or bald, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Anemone oregana var. oreganaRanunculaceaeOregon anemone mar, apr, may, jun
Angelica genuflexaApiaceaekneeling angelicafreshwaterjul, aug
Arrhenatherum elatius *Poaceaetall oatgrass, bulbous oatgrasswestern forest, eastern forest, freshwater, disturbed areasmay
Brassica rapa *Brassicaceaefield mustard, wild turnip, common mustarddisturbed areasapr, may, jun
Bromus diandrus *Poaceaeripgut grass, great bromedisturbed areasapr, may, jun
Calyptridium umbellatumMontiaceaepussypawseastern forest, subalpine or alpinejun, jul, aug
Carex apertaCyperaceaeColumbian sedge may
Carex canescensCyperaceaesilvery sedge, grey sedgesubalpine or alpine, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Cinna latifoliaPoaceaedrooping woodreed, slender woodreedwestern forest, eastern forest, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Clarkia amoenaOnagraceaefarewell to spring, yellow clarkiaprairie or baldmay, jun, jul
Collinsia grandifloraPlantaginaceaelarge-flowered blue-eyed mary, giant blue eyed Mary, blue-lips blue-eyed marywestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Comarum palustreRosaceaepurple marshlocks, marsh cinquefoilsubalpine or alpine, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Delphinium trolliifoliumRanunculaceaecow-poison, poison larkspurwestern forest, freshwaterapr, may
Deschampsia elongataPoaceaeslender hair-grasssubalpine or alpine, freshwaterjun, jul
Elymus repens *Poaceaequackgrass, creeping wildryedisturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Epilobium glandulosumOnagraceae
Erigeron speciosusAsteraceaeaspen fleabane, splendid fleabanewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or baldjun, jul, aug
Erythronium oregonumLiliaceae
Festuca idahoensisPoaceaeIdaho fescue, bluebunch fescueshrub-steppemay, jun, jul
Hieracium lachenalii *Asteraceaecommon hawkweed, English hawkweed, European hawkweeddisturbed areasjul, aug
Koeleria macranthaPoaceaeprairie junegrass, prairie Koeler's grasswestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpinemay
Lupinus lepidus var. lobbiiFabaceaePrairie lupinesubalpine or alpinejun, jul, aug
Micranthes integrifoliaSaxifragaceaewholeleaf saxifragewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpine, freshwatermar, apr, may, jun, jul
Microseris laciniataAsteraceaecut-leaf silverpuffs, cut-leaf microseris, cut-leaved scorzonellaprairie or baldmay, jun, jul
Montia fontanaMontiaceaeannual water miner's-lettuce, blinks, water chickweedfreshwatermar, apr, may, jun
Pedicularis rainierensisOrobanchaceaeMt. Rainier lousewortsubalpine or alpinejul, aug
Phleum alpinumPoaceaealpine timothy, mountain timothysubalpine or alpine, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Poa compressa *PoaceaeCanada bluegrass, flat-stem bluegrassdisturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Poa palustris *Poaceaefowl bluegrasswestern forest, eastern forest, freshwatermay, jun, jul, aug
Polemonium elegansPolemoniaceaeelegant polemonium, elegant Jacob's-laddersubalpine or alpinejul, aug, sep
Polygonum spergulariiformePolygonaceaespurry or fall knotweedprairie or baldjun, jul, aug, sep
Ranunculus occidentalisRanunculaceaewestern buttercupwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or baldmar, apr, may, jun
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalisRanunculaceaewestern buttercup apr, may, jun
Sabulina macraCaryophyllaceae
Sabulina rubellaCaryophyllaceae
Salix scoulerianaSalicaceaeScouler's willowwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermar, apr, may
Thalictrum occidentaleRanunculaceaewestern meadow-ruewestern forest, eastern forestmay, jun, jul, aug
Toxicoscordion venenosumMelanthiaceaegrassy death camaseastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Trifolium willdenoviiFabaceaetomcat clover, springbank cloverwestern forest, prairie or baldapr, may, jun, jul
Trisetum canescensPoaceaetall trisetum, tall false oat may
Viburnum ellipticumAdoxaceaecommon viburnum, western blackhaw, oval-leaved viburnumwestern forestmay, jun
Viola nuttallii var. praemorsaViolaceae

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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