PlantQuest Species List for Adams County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Allium douglasiiAmaryllidaceaeDouglas' onioneastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun, jul
Astragalus inflexusFabaceaebent milk-vetch, hairy milk-vetchshrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Astragalus purshii var. glareosusFabaceaePursh's milk-vetch apr, may, jun
Astragalus succumbensFabaceaeColumbia milk-vetch, sprawling milk-vetch, crouching milk-vetcheastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Balsamorhiza hookeriAsteraceaeHooker's balsamroot, hairy balsamrooteastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Chenopodium album *Amaranthaceaelambsquartersdisturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Claytonia rubraMontiaceaeredstem springbeautywestern forest, eastern forest, saltwater shoresapr
Comandra umbellata ssp. pallidaSantalaceae
Cryptantha pterocaryaBoraginaceaewingnut cryptanthashrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Cystopteris fragilisCystopteridaceaebrittle bladderfern, fragile fern, brittle fern, bladder fernwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpineno flowers
Deschampsia danthonioidesPoaceaeannual hair-grass may
Dodecatheon conjugensPrimulaceaeBonneville shooting star, slimpod shooting star, desert shooting stareastern forest, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpineapr, may, jun
Dodecatheon pulchellum var. pulchellumPrimulaceaedark-throated shooting star
Eleocharis acicularisCyperaceaeneedle spikerushfreshwater, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Gaillardia aristataAsteraceaecommon gaillardia, blanket flower, great flowered gaillardiaeastern forest, shrub-steppemay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Geranium viscosissimumGeraniaceaesticky purple geranium, sticky geraniumeastern forest, subalpine or alpinemay, jun, jul, aug
Geum triflorumRosaceaeold man's whiskerseastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpineapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Grayia spinosaAmaranthaceaespiny hopsageshrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Hordeum brachyantherumPoaceaemeadow barleysubalpine or alpine, saltwater shores, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Hydrophyllum capitatumHydrophyllaceaeballhead waterleaf, wool breecheseastern forest, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun, jul
Idahoa scapigeraBrassicaceaeoldstem idahoa, scalepod, flatpodshrub-steppemar, apr, may
Ladeania lanceolataFabaceae
Lepidium densiflorumBrassicaceaecommon pepperweed, prairie peppergrasseastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Lomatium canbyiApiaceaeCanby's biscuitroot, Canby's desert-parsley, chucklusashrub-steppemar, apr
Mahonia repensBerberidaceae
Marsilea vestitaMarsileaceaehairy clover-fern, water-clover or pepperwortfreshwaterno flowers
Olsynium douglasii var. inflatumIridaceaegrass-widow, purple-eyed grass,eastern forest, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun
Penstemon acuminatusPlantaginaceaesharp-leaved penstemon, sand dune penstemonshrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Phlox speciosaPolemoniaceaeshowy phloxeastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoidesBrassicaceaewallflower phoenicaulis, dagger-podeastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Poa bulbosa ssp. vivipara *Poaceaebulbous bluegrasseastern forest, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasapr, may, jun, jul
Polemonium micranthumPolemoniaceaeannual polemonium, annual Jacob's-laddereastern forest, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasmar, apr, may
Prunus virginianaRosaceaechokecherrywestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Purshia tridentataRosaceaeantelope bitterbrush, antelope-brusheastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Ribes cereum var. cereumGrossulariaceaeSquaw currant, wax currant apr, may, jun
Rosa nutkana ssp. macdougaliiRosaceaeNootka rose
Salix exiguaSalicaceaenarrow-leaf willowfreshwatermay, jun
Selaginella wallaceiSelaginellaceaeWallace's spikemosswestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpineno flowers
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatusAsteraceaetall western groundsel, lambstongue groundsel may, jun, jul
Veronica americanaPlantaginaceaeAmerican speedwell, American-brooklimewestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermay, jun, jul

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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