Includes all flowering plants, conifers, ferns and fern-allies.
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lion's heart,
lip fern,
London plane,
lords and ladies,
lyme grass
(Rhododendron groenlandicum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon and Idaho, east across Canada and the Great Lakes region to northeastern North America.
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Rhododendron groenlandicum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon and Idaho, east across Canada and the Great Lakes region to northeastern North America.
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Rhododendron columbianum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington; British Columbia to California,
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Rhododendron groenlandicum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon and Idaho, east across Canada and the Great Lakes region to northeastern North America.
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Rhododendron columbianum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington; British Columbia to California,
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Rhododendron columbianum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington; British Columbia to California,
Habitat: Swamps and bogs at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Myriopteris gracilis)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the midwestern U.S.
Habitat: Cliff crevices, especially on limestone, foothills to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Myriopteris gracilis)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the midwestern U.S.
Habitat: Cliff crevices, especially on limestone, foothills to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Thysanocarpus curvipes)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Idaho, Colorado, and New Mexico.
Habitat: Uncommon on dry, open hillsides and borders of woodlands.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Spiranthes diluvialis)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.
Habitat: Moist to wet meadows, marshes, and riparian areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Spiranthes romanzoffiana)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and across the northern U.S. and Canada to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Seasonally moist to swampy areas, sometimes in disturbed areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Spiranthes porrifolia)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to Idaho.
Habitat: Moist to swampy areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Aphanes arvensis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, reported in Idaho, also along Atlantic Coast in the U.S.
Habitat: Ledges, often limy, sandy shores, hot springs, and other disturbed open ground at low elevations.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia and northern Africa
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Annual
(Cypripedium fasciculatum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Santa Cruz County, California, east to Montana and Colorado.
Habitat: Moist to rather dry and rocky, open coniferous forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Cypripedium ×columbianum)
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Cypripedium ×columbianum)
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Cypripedium montanum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Montana and Wyoming.
Habitat: Dry to moist open woods, low to mid-elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Cypripedium parviflorum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains; throughout most of Canada and the central, southeastern, and northeastern regions of the U.S.
Habitat: Fens, wetlands, shorelines, and damp woodlands, often where calcareous.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Persicaria maculosa)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: A weedy species, usually on moist, cultivated or otherwise disturbed soil.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: March-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Persicaria maculosa)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: A weedy species, usually on moist, cultivated or otherwise disturbed soil.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: March-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Athyrium distentifolium)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Alberta, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado; also in northeastern Canada and Greenland.
Habitat: Open, rocky slopes and along streams at mid- to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Athyrium filix-femina)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast; circumboreal.
Habitat: Moist woods, meadows, forest edge, and shaded riparian corridors from low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Spores: May-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Valerianella locusta)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to the Rocky Mountains; eastern half of North America east of the Great Plains.
Habitat: Moist, open places, often in disturbed soil.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Annual
(Chenopodium album)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Fields, roadsides, forest edge, wastelots, and other disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe, but some populations in the Midwest may be native to North America, according to FNA
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Barbarea verna)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Idaho and Colorado; also in central and eastern U.S.
Habitat: Fields, roadsides, wastelots, and other disturbed sites.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Larix lyallii)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to the central Cascades and Wenatchee Mountains in Washington, east to Montana and Alberta.
Habitat: Generally near timberline, preferring north-facing slopes.
Origin: Native
Cones: June-July (cone production)
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Larix occidentalis)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to Alberta and Montana.
Habitat: Mountain valleys to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Cones: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium basalticum)
Distribution: Occurring in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; southcentral Washington and adjacent Oregon.
Habitat: Basaltic cliff faces, outcropping, and exposed slopes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium ×burkei)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Moist meadows and seasonally damp open sagebrush and ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium stachydeum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; southeastern Washington to northeast California, east to Idaho and northern Nevada.
Habitat: Dry sagebrush to ponderosa or lodgepole pine forests
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium multiplex)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington, where endemic to Chelan, Kittitas, and Yakima counties in Washington.
Habitat: Along rocky, usually intermitant streams or springs in sagebrush hills to moderate elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium lineapetalum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest, where endemic to Chelan and Kittitas counties.
Habitat: Meadows and forest edge from lowland valleys to lower mountain slopes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium menziesii)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Coastal bluffs and prairies to moist meadows and forest openings at moderate elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium nuttallii)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Washington to Willamette Valley, Oregon.
Habitat: Gravelly outwash prairies and basaltic cliffs.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium glareosum)
Distribution: Occurring in the Olympics and Cascades Range in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Alpine and subalpine ridges and talus slopes, sometimes found at lower elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium glaucum)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and the Canadian Great Plains.
Habitat: Meadows and wet thickets, bogs, streambanks, and coniferous forest openings at middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium leucophaeum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington, where known only from Lewis County in Washington; Lewis County, Washington to Willamette Valley, Oregon.
Habitat: Bluffs, open ground, and moist lowland meadows where undisturbed.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium trolliifolium)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Washington south to California.
Habitat: Moist, shady woods at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium depauperatum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to Montana, Idaho, and Nevada.
Habitat: From vernally moist sagebrush valleys to subalpine meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium stachydeum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; southeastern Washington to northeast California, east to Idaho and northern Nevada.
Habitat: Dry sagebrush to ponderosa or lodgepole pine forests
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium sutherlandii)
Distribution: Occurring in northeastern Washington; southeastern British Columbia and adjacent Washington, east across northern Idaho to northwestern Montana.
Habitat: Dry meadows and open conifer forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium nuttallianum)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Dry, gravelly ground, sagebrush deserts to the ponderosa pine region in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium distichum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to Montana and Wyoming.
Habitat: Vernally wet swales and meadows, in sagebrush or ponderosa pine forest.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium nuttallianum)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Dry, gravelly ground, sagebrush deserts to the ponderosa pine region in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium viridescens)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington, where endemic to the Wenatchee Mountains of Chelan and Kittitas counties.
Habitat: Boggy meadowlands.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium occidentale)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; Washington to northeastern Nevada, east to Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah.
Habitat: Montane meadows and thickets, bogs, and streamsides.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Delphinium xantholeucum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington, where endemic to Okanogan, Chelan, and Douglas counties.
Habitat: Dry, grassy hillsides and ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lasthenia glaberrima)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; southern Washington to central California.
Habitat: Wet or muddy ground at low elevations, including venral pools.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Prunus laurocerasus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Fields, forest edge, roadsides, wastelots, and other disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Prunus lusitanica)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Thickets, forested slopes, grasslands, and shorelines.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: April-June
(Viburnum tinus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington;
Habitat: Disturbed areas at low elevation, where escaping from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Layia glandulosa)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to Idaho, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.
Habitat: Dry, open areas from sagebrush desert to low elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Arnica chamissonis)
Distribution: Occurring both sides of the Cascades, including the northeastern corner of Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains, east across Canada to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Meadows and wet places from middle elevations to the subalpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Clematis hirsutissima)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in eastern Washington; Washington to Oregon, east to Montana, south to Arizona and New Mexico.
Habitat: Meadows, grasslands, and forest openings.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Melissa officinalis)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest and in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Idaho and Montana; also in central and eastern North America.
Habitat: Roadsides and other disturbed habitats.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ladeania lanceolata)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to the Great Plains.
Habitat: Sagebrush steppe habitat in dry areas, often where sandy.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June (September-October)
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lemna minor)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast; cosmopolitan.
Habitat: In standing or slow-moving fresh water
Origin: Native
Flowers: June - October
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Doronicum willdenowii)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; southwestern British Columbia to western Washington.
Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed forest edge at low elevations, where escaping from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica mollis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Moist meadows from middle elevations to the alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica latifolia)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Common in forest openings and meadows, and open, rocky areas from middle to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica cordifolia)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains, northern Great Plains, and the Great Lakes region.
Habitat: Light forest understory, openings, and edge, from low elevations to the subalpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica discoidea)
Distribution: Occurring in the Cascades Mountains of Klickitat and Skamania counties in Washington; Washington to California, east to Nevada.
Habitat: Forest openings from middle elevations to the subalpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica fulgens)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains.
Habitat: Meadows and open slopes from the foothills to middle elevations in the mountains
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica nevadensis)
Distribution: Occurring in the Cascades and Olympic mountains in Washington; Washington to California, east to Nevada.
Habitat: Open, rocky slopes and forest openings in the subalpine and alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica gracilis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in the mountainous areas in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah.
Habitat: Dry, rocky slopes and meadows, from the subalpine to alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica longifolia)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Rocky soil in seeps or springs, cliffs, or riverbanks, from middle elevations to the alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica rydbergii)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to northern California, east to Alberta and Colorado.
Habitat: Dry meadows and open slopes at high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Arnica sororia)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Alberta, Montana, and Wyoming.
Habitat: From low elevation prairies and grasslands to coniferous forest openings at middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Leptosiphon nuttallii)
Distribution: Occurring in the Cascades Range and Blue Mountains in Washington; Washington to California, east to Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.
Habitat: Open rocky slopes at middle to high elevations in the mountains
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lactuca tatarica)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Great Plains, Great Lakes region, and northeastern North America.
Habitat: Meadows, thickets, and other moist places at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lactuca canadensis)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations on both sides of the Cascades crest; Yukon Territory to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Fields, roadsides, disturbed forest edge, wastelots, and other disturbed places.
Origin: Introduced from central and eastern North America
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Lactuca canadensis)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations on both sides of the Cascades crest; Yukon Territory to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Fields, roadsides, disturbed forest edge, wastelots, and other disturbed places.
Origin: Introduced from central and eastern North America
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Lactuca sativa)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations in Washington; Washington to California, east to Idaho; in scattered locations in the central U.S., more commonly distributed in eastern North America.
Habitat: Disturbed areas, often escaping from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Lactuca virosa)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland areas in Washington; also in California, Mississippi, and Maryland.
Habitat: Roadsides, ditches, sidewalks, wastelots, and other disturbed, open areas at low elevations.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-October
Growth Duration: Biennial
(Lactuca saligna)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations in Washington; Washington to California, east across the southwestern U.S. to the central U.S. and northeastern North America.
Habitat: Disturbed areas, roadsides, and meadows.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: August-October
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Lactuca ludoviciana)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations across Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California, east to the Great Lakes region and south-central U.S.
Habitat: Open, disturbed sites, often where moist.
Origin: Introduced from central North America
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Lactuca ludoviciana)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations across Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California, east to the Great Lakes region and south-central U.S.
Habitat: Open, disturbed sites, often where moist.
Origin: Introduced from central North America
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Lactuca serriola)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Roadsides, fields, forest edge, wastelots, and other disturbed places.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Lactuca biennis)
Distribution: Yukon Territory to California, east across most of North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Moist places at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lactuca virosa)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland areas in Washington; also in California, Mississippi, and Maryland.
Habitat: Roadsides, ditches, sidewalks, wastelots, and other disturbed, open areas at low elevations.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-October
Growth Duration: Biennial
(Mycelis muralis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington, but more common west of the crest; British Columbia to Oregon; also in eastern North America.
Habitat: Roadsides, fields, wastelots, and other disturbed, open areas from the lowlands to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lactuca ludoviciana)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations across Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California, east to the Great Lakes region and south-central U.S.
Habitat: Open, disturbed sites, often where moist.
Origin: Introduced from central North America
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Nabalus hastatus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Alaska to Oregon, east to Alberta, Idaho, and Montana.
Habitat: Streambanks, forest edge, and moist, shaded places from the lowlands to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lactuca biennis)
Distribution: Yukon Territory to California, east across most of North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Moist places at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lactuca virosa)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland areas in Washington; also in California, Mississippi, and Maryland.
Habitat: Roadsides, ditches, sidewalks, wastelots, and other disturbed, open areas at low elevations.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-October
Growth Duration: Biennial
(Lactuca saligna)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations in Washington; Washington to California, east across the southwestern U.S. to the central U.S. and northeastern North America.
Habitat: Disturbed areas, roadsides, and meadows.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: August-October
Growth Duration: Annual, Biennial
(Stephanomeria tenuifolia)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains, northern Great Plains, and Texas.
Habitat: Dry, often rocky places, from the foothills and plains to moderate elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisia pygmaea)
Distribution: Occurring in the Olympic and Cascade Mountains of Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Open, often gravelly, moist to rather dry areas, mid- to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisia columbiana)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Idaho and Montana.
Habitat: Open gravelly or rocky slopes and rock crevices at middle to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisia pygmaea)
Distribution: Occurring in the Olympic and Cascade Mountains of Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Open, often gravelly, moist to rather dry areas, mid- to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisia cotyledon)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in the Goat Rocks Wilderness, where it has been intentionally planted and may persist; otherwise southwestern Oregon to adjacent California.
Habitat: Alpine areas.
Origin: Introduced from Oregon and California
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisia triphylla)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to Montana and south in the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Open, usually sandy areas where vernally moist, ponderosa pine forests to subalpine meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lewisiopsis tweedyi)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Kittitas, Chelan, and Okanogan counties in Washington; south-central British Columbia to north-central Washington.
Habitat: Rock outcroppings and dry slopes of open ponderosa pine/Douglas fir forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Glycyrrhiza lepidota)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Ontario and Texas.
Habitat: Stream and riverbanks, riparian corridors, and other wet areas, often associated with disturbance.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Glycyrrhiza lepidota)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Ontario and Texas.
Habitat: Stream and riverbanks, riparian corridors, and other wet areas, often associated with disturbance.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Syringa vulgaris)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east in scattered locations across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Fields, forest edge, roadsides, wastelots, and other disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lilaeopsis occidentalis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California.
Habitat: Marshes, river banks, salt flats, muddy or sandy beaches and shores along and near the coast.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lloydia serotina)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon and Nevada, east to Alberta and New Mexico.
Habitat: Gravelly ridges, cliffs and rock crevices at high elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lloydia serotina)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon and Nevada, east to Alberta and New Mexico.
Habitat: Gravelly ridges, cliffs and rock crevices at high elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Erythronium montanum)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Coast Range and Vancouver Island in British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Forest openings and mountain meadows, subalpine to alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Fritillaria camschatcensis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in northwestern Washington; Alaska to Oregon.
Habitat: Moist areas from near tide flats to mountain meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Triteleia grandiflora)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington, but also occurring in the north Puget Sound area; British Columbia to California, east to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.
Habitat: Prairies, grasslands, balds and forest openings, often where seasonally dry, from the coast to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Fritillaria affinis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, disjunct in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
Habitat: Prairies, balds, and grassy bluffs to woodlands and coniferous forests, sea level to fairly high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Fritillaria affinis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, disjunct in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
Habitat: Prairies, balds, and grassy bluffs to woodlands and coniferous forests, sea level to fairly high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lilium columbianum)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to northwestern Montana.
Habitat: Prairies, forest edge, forest openings, and meadows from sea level to to the subalpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Fritillaria affinis)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, disjunct in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
Habitat: Prairies, balds, and grassy bluffs to woodlands and coniferous forests, sea level to fairly high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Erythronium montanum)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Coast Range and Vancouver Island in British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Forest openings and mountain meadows, subalpine to alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Erythronium oregonum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in the Puget Sound lowlands and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Prairies, rocky balds, moist woods; at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Nuphar polysepala)
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Northwest Territory, Alberta, and the Rocky Mountain States.
Habitat: Ponds, shallow lakes, oxbows, and sluggish streams from low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Maianthemum dilatatum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Alaska to California, east to northern Idaho.
Habitat: Shady, moist areas, open to dense woods, from sea level to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Leptosiphon bolanderi)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; Klickitat County, Washington to California.
Habitat: Dry, open places at lower elevations, often on serpentine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Annual
(Leptosiphon bicolor)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Open areas at lower elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Leptosiphon septentrionalis)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.
Habitat: In seasonally wet open plains and slopes from low to moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Leptosiphon liniflorus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California.
Habitat: open, dry areas in sagebrush flats to Ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June.
Growth Duration: Annual
(Leptosiphon liniflorus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California.
Habitat: open, dry areas in sagebrush flats to Ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June.
Growth Duration: Annual
(Tilia cordata)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; in scattered areas across North America, where occasionally escaping from cultivation.
Habitat: Disturbed forest edge, thickets, and other disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Linum usitatissimum)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east across much of North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Fields, roadsides, wastelots, and other disturbed areas, where escaping from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: June-November
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lallemantia peltata)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in the southeastern counties in Washington; southeastern Washington to adjacent northeastern Oregon and likely western Idaho.
Habitat: Dry slopes, roadsides, fields, and other disturbed open areas.
Origin: Introduced from Asia
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Myriopteris intertexta)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; south-central Washington to California, east to Nevada.
Habitat: Rock faces and basalt outcroppings at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Spores: April-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Myriopteris gracilis)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in southeastern Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the midwestern U.S.
Habitat: Cliff crevices, especially on limestone, foothills to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Myriopteris gracillima)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to western Montana, Idaho, Nevada and Utah.
Habitat: Cliffs and rocky slopes from middle elevations to alpine.
Origin: Native
Spores: May-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lobelia kalmii)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Washington, east to the northern Great Plains, Great Lakes region, and Atlantic coast.
Habitat: Bogs, ponds and lakeshores, and seeps.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lobelia kalmii)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Washington, east to the northern Great Plains, Great Lakes region, and Atlantic coast.
Habitat: Bogs, ponds and lakeshores, and seeps.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lobelia erinus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon.
Habitat: Fields, roadside, wastelots, and other disturbed areas, where escaping from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lobelia dortmanna)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon; circumboreal.
Habitat: In shallow water at the margins of ponds and lakes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Oxytropis borealis)
Distribution: Occurring in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Rocky Mountains, also in eastern Canada.
Habitat: Subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Oxytropis campestris)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon, east across the northern U.S. and Canada to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Forest openings and rocky balds from sea-level to the alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Oxytropis deflexa)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in north-central Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains, and east across Canada to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Montane forest openings and meadows to the subalpine and alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Oxytropis campestris)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon, east across the northern U.S. and Canada to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Forest openings and rocky balds from sea-level to the alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Robinia pseudoacacia)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; introduced from Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains, native from the Great Plains to eastern North America.
Habitat: Stream and river banks, forest edge, wastelots, abandoned homesteads, and disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from central and eastern North America
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Robinia hispida)
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations on both sides of the Cascades crest; introduced from British Columbia to California, native from the Great Plains to eastern North America.
Habitat: Forest edge, roadsides, wastelots, and other disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from central and eastern North America
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium macrocarpum)
Distribution: Widely distributed east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains.
Habitat: Open, dry, rocky areas at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium bradshawii)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Clark County in Washington; southwestern Washington to the Willamette Valley near Eugene, Oregon.
Habitat: Wet meadows at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium dissectum)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California, disjunct in west-central Idaho.
Habitat: Open areas from the valleys and foothills to middle elevations in the mountains
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium multifidum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Open, often rocky slopes and dry meadows, lowlands to low alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium geyeri)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to Washington, east to Idaho.
Habitat: Deeper soil in low to mid-elevations of open, dry areas, and under Ponderosa pine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium gormanii)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to Oregon, east to Idaho.
Habitat: Open slopes and scablands in the foothills, valleys and plains, often with sagebrush.
Origin: Native
Flowers: December-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium farinosum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; central Washington to western Idaho, disjunct in Wasco County, Oregon.
Habitat: Rocky slopes and scablands, often on lithosol and with sagebrush.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium lithosolamans)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest, where endemic to Kittitas and Yakima counties.
Habitat: Open, rocky, shallow soil on xeric sites at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-April
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium klickitatense)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in the Columbia River Gorge area in Washington; south-central Washington to adjacent Oregon.
Habitat: Dry to seasonally moist, areas and forest openings at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium ambiguum)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to northeast Oregon, east to southeastern Alberta, western Montana, and Wyoming.
Habitat: Open, often rocky slopes and flats, from the foothills to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Lomatium linearifolium)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; central Washington to north-central Oregon, east to Montana and Wyoming.
Habitat: Open slopes and ridges, from low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: March-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium laevigatum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in south-central Washington; south-central Washington to adjacent Oregon.
Habitat: Crevices is basalt cliffs.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lomatium cuspidatum)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest, where endemic to the Wenatchee Mountains of Chelan and Kittitas counties in Washington.
Habitat: Open, rocky slopes, often on serpentine, from middle elevations to the subalpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Platanus ×hispanica)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest along the Columbia River in Washington; scattered locations from central Washington to California, also in eastern North America.
Habitat: River shorelines and adjacent wet meadows.
Origin: Introduced from cultivation
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ludwigia hexapetala)
Distribution: Scattered locations throughout Washington; along Columbia River near Portland, OR, introduced in much of North America.
Habitat: Swamps, lakes, and streams.
Origin: Introduced from South America
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lythrum hyssopifolia)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California; also in northeastern North America.
Habitat: Moist, disturbed areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lysimachia hybrida)
Origin: Introduced
(Lysimachia hybrida)
Origin: Introduced
(Lysimachia hybrida)
Origin: Introduced
(Lythrum salicaria)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Noxious weed of standing water and wet ground.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lythrum portula)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Wetlands, disturbed moist areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Arum italicum)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in lowland western Washington; southwestern British Columbia to California; also in scattered location in central and eastern U.S.
Habitat: Forest understory and disturbed locations near urbanized areas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lotus uliginosus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Idaho; east across Canada to Nova Scotia; scattered localities in eastern U.S.
Habitat: Moist to wet disturbed areas, roadsides, abandoned lots, and coastal tidelands.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis ornithorhynchos)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Washington.
Habitat: Subalpine and alpine meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis bracteosa)
Distribution: Widely distributed throughout the mountainous areas of Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.
Habitat: Common in open forests at moderate to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis racemosa)
Distribution: Widely distributed across Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.
Habitat: Coniferous forests at mid-elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis rainierensis)
Distribution: Endemic to Mount Rainier National Park area in Washington.
Habitat: Moist alpine meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis pulchella)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest, where known only from Chelan County; also occurring in southwestern Montana, where previously thought to be endemic.
Habitat: Alpine slopes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis racemosa)
Distribution: Widely distributed across Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.
Habitat: Coniferous forests at mid-elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Pedicularis contorta)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana and Wyoming.
Habitat: Open wooded slopes and drier meadows at high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ligusticum canbyi)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to Alberta and western Montana.
Habitat: Wet to somewhat dry soil, from montane forest openings to subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ligusticum apiifolium)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California.
Habitat: Low elevation woodland slopes, prairies, and thickets.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ligusticum grayi)
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in the mountainous areas of Washington; northern Washington to California and Nevada, east to Idaho and Montana.
Habitat: Moist or sometimes dry open slopes and drier meadows in subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ligusticum apiifolium)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California.
Habitat: Low elevation woodland slopes, prairies, and thickets.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Ligusticum grayi)
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in the mountainous areas of Washington; northern Washington to California and Nevada, east to Idaho and Montana.
Habitat: Moist or sometimes dry open slopes and drier meadows in subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Nigella damascena)
Distribution: Known sparingly in Washington from lowland areas west of Cascades crest; southwestern British Columbia to California, east across northern U.S. to eastern North America.
Habitat: Yard waste dump sites, disturbed open ground, and other sites were plants escape from cultivation.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: May-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis pilosa)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Disturbed ground, roadsides, and shores.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: July-October
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis minor)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Disturbed ground, roadsides, railroads, and shores.
Origin: Introduced from Europe
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis mexicana)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California, east to Idaho, Coloarado, New Mexico, and Texas; also in scattered locations in eastern North America.
Habitat: Sandy or silty shores, roadsides, ditches, and disturbed ground.
Origin: Introduced from southwestern U.S.
Flowers: July-Octobaer
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis lutescens)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; eastern Washington to California, east to Colorado and New Mexico.
Habitat: Shores, canyons, moist alkaline flats, and disturbed ground.
Origin: Native
Flowers: July-October
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis hypnoides)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington and in the Columbia River Gorge. northern Washington to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Mud flats along streams, ponds and lakes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Annual
(Eragrostis pectinacea)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia, east to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Shores, roadsides, ditches, and disturbed ground.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Annual, Perennial
(Eragrostis curvula)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington; British Columbia to California, east across the southern U.S. to eastern North America.
Habitat: Distrubed areas where open, and forest edge.
Origin: Introduced from southern Africa
Flowers: June-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Medicago sativa)
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Atlantic Coast.
Habitat: Roadsides, fields, wastelots, and other disturbed, open areas; often escaping from commercial cultivation.
Origin: Introduced
Flowers: May-October
Growth Duration: Annual, Perennial
(Luetkea pectinata)
Distribution: Occurring in the Olympic and Cascades mountains in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Northwest Territory, Alberta, Idaho, and Montana.
Habitat: Usually on sandy soil in moist or shady places, subalpine to alpine.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Luina hypoleuca)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Open, rocky areas, from moist to somewhat dry, at middle to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-October
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Luina hypoleuca)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest and in the Olympic Mountains in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Open, rocky areas, from moist to somewhat dry, at middle to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-October
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Cacaliopsis nardosmia)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Meadows, forest edge, forest openings, and light forest understory from low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Mertensia longiflora)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana and Nevada.
Habitat: Drier areas from low elevation sagebrush deserts to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus pachylobus)
Distribution: Occurring in San Juan County in Washington; disjunct in the Gulf Islands of Canada and San Juan Islands of Washington, otherwise in California.
Habitat: Rocky balds and dry slopes
Origin: Native?
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus polyphyllus)
Distribution: Widely distributed throughout Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Colorado.
Habitat: Moist areas and stream banks, lowlands to subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus sulphureus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to central Oregon, possibly east to adjacent Idaho.
Habitat: Shrub-steppe, grassland, and open ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus latifolius)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California.
Habitat: Lowland prairies to subalpine meadows and alpine ridges.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus microcarpus)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Coastal bluffs, grassy balds, and other dry to moist, open areas at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus bicolor)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington, but also in the southeastern part of state; British Columbia to California, east to Arizona.
Habitat: Open meadows, grasslands, prairies, and sandy riverbanks at low to moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus oreganus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in southwestern Washington; southwestern Washington to the Willamette Valley in Oregon, also known historically from Vancouver Island.
Habitat: Moist to dry areas of prairies and openings in oak woodlands.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus polyphyllus)
Distribution: Widely distributed throughout Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Colorado.
Habitat: Moist areas and stream banks, lowlands to subalpine and alpine areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus arbustus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana and Utah.
Habitat: Sagebrush deserts and ponderosa pine forest openings.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus pusillus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in south-central Washington; Washington to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.
Habitat: Sagebrush desert, often where sandy.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus nootkatensis)
Distribution: Reported from northwest area of Washington; Alaska and Yukon Territory to Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Habitat: Mesic meadows, stream banks, thickets, and forest openings.
Origin: Introduced from British Columbia
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus oreganus)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in southwestern Washington; southwestern Washington to the Willamette Valley in Oregon, also known historically from Vancouver Island.
Habitat: Moist to dry areas of prairies and openings in oak woodlands.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus lepidus)
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Open areas from lowland prairies and sagebrush flats to alpine ridges.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus rivularis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Gravelly prairies, open woods and riverbanks at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus saxosus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to Idaho and Nevada.
Habitat: Mostly on basaltic rimrock in sagebrush desert or pine woodland.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus pusillus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in south-central Washington; Washington to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.
Habitat: Sagebrush desert, often where sandy.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus sabinianus)
Distribution: Occurring in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington; southeastern Washington to adjacent northeastern Oregon.
Habitat: Ponderosa pine forest openings and grasslands at low to moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus littoralis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in the coastal counties of Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Immediate coastline in dunes and on beaches.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus albicaulis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, and in western Nevada.
Habitat: Lowland prairies, grasslands, meadows, and open areas.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Biennial, Perennial
(Lupinus sericeus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to Oregon, east to Alberta and Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Sagebrush deserts to forest openings at moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus argenteus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.
Habitat: Sagebrush plains, and ponderosa pine forests to subalpine ridges.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus bicolor)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington, but also in the southeastern part of state; British Columbia to California, east to Arizona.
Habitat: Open meadows, grasslands, prairies, and sandy riverbanks at low to moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus arbustus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana and Utah.
Habitat: Sagebrush deserts and ponderosa pine forest openings.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus rivularis)
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Gravelly prairies, open woods and riverbanks at low elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus sulphureus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to central Oregon, possibly east to adjacent Idaho.
Habitat: Shrub-steppe, grassland, and open ponderosa pine forests.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus arboreus)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington in the lowlands and along the Pacific coast; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Sandy soil at low elevations, often where disturbed.
Origin: Introduced from California, where native
Flowers: May-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus bicolor)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest and east in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington, but also in the southeastern part of state; British Columbia to California, east to Arizona.
Habitat: Open meadows, grasslands, prairies, and sandy riverbanks at low to moderate elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-July
Growth Duration: Annual
(Lupinus leucophyllus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana, Wyoming, and Utah.
Habitat: Sagebrush plains, grasslands, and ponderosa pine forest openings.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Lupinus arboreus)
Distribution: Occurring chiefly west of the Cascades crest in Washington in the lowlands and along the Pacific coast; British Columbia to California.
Habitat: Sandy soil at low elevations, often where disturbed.
Origin: Introduced from California, where native
Flowers: May-September
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Leymus triticoides)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Rocky Mountains and Texas.
Habitat: Dry to moist, often alkaline meadows.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
(Leymus racemosus)
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; central Washington to north-central Oregon, east to Wyoming.
Habitat: Sandy areas in sagebrush flats and plains.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
Flowers: July-August
Growth Duration: Perennial