
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

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Common names beginning with L:
29 common names
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Common Laccaria (Laccaria laccata)
Lackluster Laccaria (Laccaria laccata)
Two-colored Laccaria (Laccaria bicolor)
Western amethyst Laccaria (Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis)
Lawyer's-wig (Coprinus comatus)
Black-leg (Picipes badius)
Distribution: Global.
Habitat: Forests and woodlands.
Substrate: Wood, usually stumps, logs, and branches on the ground. Can be growing from buried wood.
Bear Lentinellus (Lentinellus ursinus)
Cockle-shell Lentinellus (Lentinellus cochleatus)
Large Lentinus (Neolentinus ponderosus)
Ponderous Lentinus (Neolentinus ponderosus)
Scaly Lentinus (Neolentinus lepideus)
Distribution: N. lepideus is not common in natural habitats, but can be found on conifer logs and stumps in some areas. It is a brown-rot fungus and is more commonly encountered on construction timbers, railroad ties, and, in the past, on automobile frames when they were made of wood. It can occur almost any time but is most common in summer and fall.
Slippery Leotia (Leotia lubrica)
Bucknall's Lepiota (Cystolepiota bucknallii)
Blue-black Leptonia (Leptonia parva)
Blue-toothed Leptonia (Leptonia serrulata)
Bitter brown Leucopaxillus (Leucopaxillus gentianeus)
Large white Leucopaxillus (Leucopaxillus albissimus)
Distribution: Widespread, though uncommon
Liberty-cap (Psilocybe semilanceata)
Description: Slimy, narrowly conical, brown to tan cap with brownish gills and smooth, off-white stalk; in pastures and manured areas.
Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in tall grass and grassy hummocks in cow pastures.
Spores: Late August to November
Poor man's licorice (Bulgaria inquinans)
Substrate: dead hardwood logs, or branches, especially of oak.
Starving man's licorice (Urnula padeniana)
Ringed Limacella (Limacella solidipes)
White Limacella (Limacella illinita)
Lion's-mane (Hericium erinaceus)
Flexible lorchel (Helvella elastica)
Distribution: H. elastica occurs in summer and fall in both conifer and hardwood forests.
Lorchel (Gyromitra esculenta)
Wavy lorchel (Helvella crispa)
Lorel (Gyromitra esculenta)
Frosty Lyophyllum (Lyophyllum loricatum)
Snowbank lyophyllum (Clitocybe glacialis)
Description: Cap 2– 5 cm across, broadly convex with a turned-down margin; smooth, greasy or silky dry; silvery gray, with a hoary frosted look, more gray-brown with age. Gills narrowly attached, thin, a bit crowded or not; pale gray to gray-brown. Stalk 2– 3.5 × 0.5– 1.5 cm, equal; silvery pale gray with a hoary coating. Flesh watery gray; odor indistinct. Spore print white.
Distribution: Western snowbank mushroom
Habitat: Snowbanks or in cavities melted out of snowbanks
Spores: late May to early July