
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

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40 common names
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Bog Galerina (Galerina paludosa)
Deadly Galerina (Galerina autumnalis)
Deadly lawn Galerina (Galerina venenata)
Golden-gilled Gerronema (Chrysomphalina chrysophylla)
Crimped gill (Plicaturopsis crispa)
Pinelitter gingertail (Xeromphalina cauticinalis)
Pinewood gingertail (Xeromphalina campanella)
Distribution: Very common It is very common on conifer wood in the PNW and elsewhere throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
Spores: spores are amyloid
Cryptic globe fungus (Cryptoporus volvatus)
Distribution: Occurring on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington. Alaska to California, east across much of North America to the Atlantic Coast.
Origin: Native
Grey goblet (Tarzetta cupularis)
Rose goblet (Neournula pouchetii)
Distribution: N. pouchetii is known from scattered locations throughout the PNW, North Africa, and France, although it is likely to occur elsewhere too.
Spores: The spores are ellipsoid, 23--32 x 8--10 µm, warty when mature
The goblet (Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis)
Alaskan gold (Phaeolepiota aurea)
Distribution: Widely distributed
Habitat: Usually found in the north temperate zone in disturbed areas of forests, such as along roadsides.
Clustered Gomphidius (Gomphidius oregonensis)
Glutinous Gomphidius (Gomphidius glutinosus)
Hideous Gomphidius (Gomphidius glutinosus)
Hideous Gomphidius (Gomphidius maculatus)
Insidious Gomphidius (Gomphidius oregonensis)
Rosy Gomphidius (Gomphidius subroseus)
Slimy Gomphidius (Gomphidius glutinosus)
Smith's Gomphidius (Gomphidius smithii)
Bonar's gomphus (Gomphus bonarii)
Kauffman's gomphus (Gomphus kauffmanii)
Distribution: Western Western North America
Habitat: Old-growth conifer forests; conifer forests in general
Pig's-ear gomphus (Gomphus clavatus)
Distribution: Western
Habitat: Conifer forests
Choke of grasses (Epichloe typhina)
Constricted grisette (Amanita constricta)
Description: Amanita constricta, described from California, is a member of the A. vaginata group. In the vaginatas, the cap varies from white to various shades of brown and gray to, occasionally, brighter colors such as salmon-orange. Usually the edge of the cap bears long deep striations, and the center may bear a membranous patch. The universal veil also forms a slender sac-like, often reddish-stained, volva around the base of the stipe. The vaginatas lack a partial veil, so there is no ring, and usually have equal, rather than bulbous, stipes. The gills are white but may be grayish, or with edges that are grayish or more darkly colored. The spores are non-amyloid.
Grisette (Amanita vaginata)
Tawny grisette (Amanita fulva)
Description: Cap is conical to convex at first, becoming umbonate. The surface is smooth, orange-brown to warm brown, with a striate margin. The fills are white. The white stem does not have a ring, but does have a large, sack-like volva at the base, which is white stained rusty brown.
Habitat: Northern forests. Woodlands of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia.
Substrate: Soil.
Western grisette (Amanita pachycolea)
Description: A very large species in the vaginata group, can be one of the more spectacular amanitas in the PNW. Its cap is large, brown to very dark brown, sometimes paler near the margin, and always with long striations at the margin. The gills are white with distinct gray to brown edges, and develop orange-brown stains in age. The stipe is long and thick, with a white to brownish fibrillose-scaly surface. The base is surrounded by a large, thick, felty, volva, that is white at first but soon develops rust to brown or yellow colors, and in age can be entirely rust-colored. There is no ring.
Carnation groundwart (Thelephora caryophyllea)
Groundwart (Thelephora terrestris)
Distribution: Broad
Big laughing gym (Gymnopilus junonius)
Jumbo Gym (Gymnopilus ventricosus)
Habitat: Rotting logs, snags, or stumps
Magic blue Gym (Gymnopilus aeruginosus)
Common and boring Gymnopilus (Gymnopilus sapineus)
Giant gymnopilus (Gymnopilus junonius)
Giant Gymnopilus (Gymnopilus ventricosus)
Habitat: Rotting logs, snags, or stumps
Golden-gilled Gymnopilus (Gymnopilus luteofolius)
Small yellow Gymnopilus (Gymnopilus penetrans)
Distribution: Common and widespread
Habitat: On conifer and hardwood including stumps, logs, wood chips, and sawdust.
Spruce Gymnopilus (Gymnopilus sapineus)
Gypsy (Cortinarius caperatus)
Distribution: Common in certain years in the PNW, but becomes less abundant inland and to the south