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Keywords beginning with A:
69 keywords
51 with photos
Show only keywords with photos
abaxial (15 images): on the side away from the axis.
abortive: hardly or imperfectly developed.
abscission (2 images): shedding of a part, often a leaf, flower, or fruit.
acaulescent (9 images): literally, without a stem.
accrescent (1 image): increasing in size with age, especially with reference to calyx.
accumbent: cotyledon position, lying edgewise against the folded radicle in the seed (see incumbent).
acerose (2 images): needle-shaped, or with a needle-like tip.
achene (32 images): the most generalized type of dry, indehiscent fruit.
acicular (4 images): needle-shaped.
acropetal (7 images): proceeding from the proximal to the distal end, often in reference to flower maturation in an inflorescence.
acroscopic (2 images): toward the distal (as opposed to the proximal) end.
actinomorphic (8 images): radially symmetric, as in a regular flower.
acuminate (6 images): gradually and concavely tapered to a narrow tip or sharp point.
acute (4 images): sharp pointed.
adaxial (10 images): on the side toward the axis, or turned toward the axis.
adnate (6 images): grown together, or attached; applied only to different plant parts (compare to connate).
adventitious (4 images): not in the usual place.
adventive: intro but not naturalized, or only locally established.
alate (4 images): winged.
allopatric: occupying different geographical regions.
alternate (18 images): situated singly at each node, as the leaves; situated regularly between organs of another kind, as stamens alternate with petals.
alveolate: honeycombed.
ament (6 images): a dense, bracteate spike or raceme with a nonfleshy axis bearing many small, naked or apetalous flowers; a catkin.
amplexicaul (5 images): clasping the stem.
ampliate (3 images): enlarged or expanding.
anastomosing (3 images): a reconnecting network of leaf veins.
anatropous: inverted ovule with the micropyle bent down to the funiculus, to which the ovule body is united.
androecium (3 images): the stamens considered collectively.
androgynous (3 images): a spike (in Carex) with both male and female flowers, the male above the female.
anemophilous: pollinated by wind.
angiosperm: a major group of vascular plants with ovules enclosed in an ovary (Magnoliophyta, the flowering plants).
angustiseptate (2 images): fruit morphology where the septum crosses the narrow direction of a laterally compressed fruit (see latiseptate).
annual (7 images): a plant that germinates, flowers, and seeds in a single season.
annulus: a little ring; the partial or complete ring of thick-walled cells encircling the sporangium of typical ferns.
anterior: in front.
anther (12 images): pollen-bearing part of the stamen.
anthesis (4 images): period during which a flower is fully expanded.
anthocyanin (5 images): a chemical class of water-soluble pigments, ranging in color from blue or violet through purple to crimson.
antrorse (2 images): directed forward or upward.
apetalous (3 images): without petals.
aphyllopodic: with the lowest leaves reduced to scales, the 1st foliage leaves thus well above the base of the plant, as in some species of Carex.
aphyllous: without leaves, or without typical foliage.
apiculate (4 images): ending abruptly in a small, generally sharp point.
apocarpous (2 images): with carpels free from each other, or with only 1 carpel.
apomictic: asexual reproduction without fertilization resulting in seed production.
apophysis (3 images): exposed, apical portion of a closed gymnosperm cone scale.
appressed (2 images): pressed flat against another organ.
approximate: near, together.
arachnoid (9 images): having a cobwebby, generally sparse pubescence of relatively long, soft, tangled hairs.
arborescent (2 images): treelike.
arcuate (5 images): curved into an arc.
areola, areole (4 images): a small, clearly bounded area on a surface.
argenteous: silvery in color.
aril (4 images): a specialized outgrowth from the seed stalk that covers or is attached to the mature seed.
arillate (2 images): provided with an aril.
aristate (5 images): tipped with an awn or bristle.
array (5 images): general term for inflorescence, often used in Asteraceae.
articulate(d) (4 images): jointed; with a predetermined point of natural separation.
ascending (7 images): growing obliquely upward (stems), directed obliquely forward in respect to the organ to which they are attached (parts of plant).
asepalous: without sepals.
atomate, atomiferous (4 images): with scattered sessile or subsessile glands.
atro- (4 images): Latin prefix, meaning dark or blackish.
attenuate (2 images): tapering gradually to a very slender tip.
auricle (7 images): a small, projecting lobe or appendage, generally at the base of an organ.
autotrophic: nutritionally independent.
awn (9 images): slender, generally terminal bristle.
axil (16 images): the area or angle formed by the attachment of the leaf blade or petiole with the stem.
axile placenta: a placenta along the axis of an ovary with 2 or more locules.
axillary (12 images): located in or arising from an axil.