Checklist » Brassicaceae » Draba juvenilis
Last updated 2/12/2013 by David Giblin.
Draba juvenilis Kom.[FNA7, HC2]
long-stalk whitlow-grass
[This taxon is excluded from Washington]

Publication: Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 167. 1914.


selected vouchers: Not at WTU; WS?

Notes: Reported as disjunct in Olympic Mountains (Buckingham et al. 1995). Should check herbarium at OLYM to see whether a specimen exists. However, Rollins (1993) does not include WA within the range of this species, nor does FNA7 (2010). This species is considered excluded from Washington until specimens are located to demonstrate otherwise.

FNA7: " Although Draba kananaskis and D. longipes have often been treated as distinct species, we find no basis for maintaining them. Both exhibit variations in petal color (white to pale yellow) and leaf trichomes (short-stalked to sessile) characteristic of D. juvenilis from the Russian Far East. Perhaps most importantly, all three are octoploids (2n = 64) with x = 8. We conclude that D. kananaskis is nothing more than a minor variant of D. juvenilis and it is treated herein, for the first time, as a synonym of that species.

Draba juvenilis is occasionally confused with D. borealis, which also has stalked, cruciform trichomes with unbranched rays. Typical D. juvenilis is easily distinguished from that species by having narrower (2-3 mm) fruits that are glabrous (rarely pubescent) and untwisted, and 0-2 (or 3)-leaved stems. By contrast, D. borealis has wider (2.5-4.5 mm) fruits that are usually pubescent and/or twisted (rarely neither) and (2 or) 3-7(-12)-leaved stems."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Draba longipes Raup[Rollins 1993a]