Checklist » Amaranthaceae » Chenopodium ×schulzeanum
Last updated 10/19/2023 by David Giblin.
Chenopodium ×schulzeanum Murr[FNA4]
hybrid goosefoot
[This taxon is excluded from Washington]

Publication: Allg. Bot. Z. Syst. xii. 110. 1906.

Origin: Native

selected vouchers: WS

Notes: FNA4: "Hybrids between Chenopodium rubrum and C. glaucum are known as C. ×schulzeanum Murr and have been seen from waste areas in Illinois and Washington. These plants in general resemble C. rubrum with small, mealy leaves and horizontal seeds, but they also have some leaves shaped like those of C. glaucum."

No specimens have been collected in Washington, so this species is considered excluded.

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names: