Checklist » Poaceae » Elymus caninus
Last updated 6/1/2009 by David Giblin.
Elymus caninus (L.) L.[FNA24]
bearded wild rye
[This taxon is excluded from Washington]

Publication: Fl. Suec. (ed. 2) 39. 1755.


selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA24: "Elymus caninus is native to Eurasia; it is not known to be established in the Flora region. A.S. Hitchcock (1935, 1951) reported that it had been collected on ballast dumps in Portland, Oregon, but the specimens concerned belong to E. ciliaris and E. tsukushiensis. Elymus caninus differs from E. ciliaris and E. tsukushiensis in having flatter glumes that are longer in relation to the lemmas, and palea keels that are straight or almost straight below the apices. Recent reports of its occurrence in the region reflect C.L. Hitchcock et al.'s (1969) treatment, in which E. caninus and E. trachycaulus were treated as conspecific subspecies. Because E. caninus is the older name, it is the correct name to use at the specific rank under such a treatment.

The hairs on the inside of the glumes are difficult to see. Nevertheless, this is the single most reliable morphological character for distinguishing Elymus caninus from all other species of Elymus in this treatment. Elymus caninus is most likely to be confused with awned plants of E. trachycaulus. The two species also differ in their molecular characteristics, and in at least one chromosome interchange (Sun et al. 1998)."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Agropyron caninum (L.) P. Beauv.[HC]
Agropyron caninum (L.) Beauv. ssp. caninum[HC]
Triticum caninum L.