Checklist » Poaceae » ×Agropogon lutosus
Last updated 11/20/2023 by David Giblin.
×Agropogon lutosus (Poir.) P. Fourn.[FNA24]
perennial beardgrass
[This taxon is excluded from Washington]

Publication: Monde Pl. Rev. Mens. 36(213): 20. 1935.

Origin: Introduced

selected vouchers: Not at WTU; WS?

Notes: FNA24: "xAgropogon lutosus is a sterile hybrid between Agrostis stolonifera and Polypogon monspeliensis that sometimes grows in locations where both parents occur, such as damp to wet, often alkaline soils on lakesides,. Some plants favor A. stolonifera, others P. monspeliensis. All differ from Polygogon in having more persistent spikelets, less blunt short-awned glumes, and lemmas with subterminal rather than terminal awns; and from Agrostis in having awned glumes and awned lemmas."

No specimens from Washington, so this species is considered excluded.

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Polypogon littoralis Sm.
Polypogon lutosus (Poir.) Hitchc.