Publication: Fl. Altaica. 2: 58. 1830.
Origin: Introduced from Eurasia
selected vouchers: WTU
Notes: FNA5: "Within its native range Rumex stenophyllus is mostly confined to slightly saline coastal and alluvial (riparian) habitats. It has successfully colonized a wide range of ruderal and segetal habitats in both Europe and North America. Further spread of this species in the central and southwestern United States and southern Canada may be expected (D. Löve and J.-P. Bernard 1958). It was placed by K. H. Rechinger (1949) in subsect. Stenophylli Rechinger f.
According to J. K. Morton and J. M. Venn (1990), reports of Rumex stenophyllus from Ontario refer to the hybrid R. crispus × R. obtusifolius, but R. stenophyllus may be found in the province in the future. Rumex stenophyllus may be distinguished from that hybrid by its fertile fruits and more uniform inner tepals."
References: (none)