PlantQuest Species List for Whatcom County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Abronia latifoliaNyctaginaceaecoastal sand verbena, yellow sand-verbenasaltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug
Acmispon parviflorusFabaceaeshort-flower bird's-foot-trefoilwestern forest, prairie or bald, saltwater shoresapr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep
Alopecurus aequalis var. aequalisPoaceaeshortawn fescue
Artemisia campestris var. scoulerianaAsteraceaeScouler's wormwood, Pacific sagewort
Atriplex prostrata *Amaranthaceaetriangle orache, hastate orachesaltwater shores, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Cakile maritima *BrassicaceaeAmerican sea-rocketsaltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug, sep, may
Calandrinia ciliataMontiaceaefringed redmaidswestern forest, prairie or baldapr, may
Carex tumulicolaCyperaceaefoothill sedge, split-awn sedge may
Cotoneaster horizontalis *Rosaceaewall or rockspray cotoneaster, rock cotoneasterwestern forest, prairie or bald, disturbed areasmay, jun
Crataegus douglasiiRosaceaeblack hawthorn, Douglas' hawthornwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwatermay, jun
Crocidium multicauleAsteraceaecommon spring-gold, gold stareastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun, nov-feb
Cynosurus echinatus *Poaceaebristly dog's-tail grassdisturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Deschampsia cespitosaPoaceaeBeringian hairgrasssubalpine or alpinejun, jul, aug, sep
Eriophorum virginicum *Cyperaceaetawny cottongrassfreshwaterjul, aug
Fallopia sachalinensis *Polygonaceae
Gamochaeta ustulataAsteraceaepurple cudweed, spoon-leaved purple everlastingdisturbed areasapr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Geranium lucidum *Geraniaceaeshining crane's-billwestern forest, disturbed areasapr, may, jun
Hornungia procumbensBrassicaceaeprostrate hutchinsia, ovalpurseprairie or bald, shrub-steppe, freshwatermar, apr, may, jun
Lemna turioniferaAraceaecommon duckweed, lesser duckweed, water lentilfreshwaterjun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Lonicera hispidulaCaprifoliaceaepink honeysucklewestern forest, prairie or baldjun, jul, aug
Lupinus bicolorFabaceaetwo-color lupineprairie or bald, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun, jul
Montia howelliiMontiaceaeHowell's miner's-lettuce, Howell's montiawestern forestapr, may
Olsynium douglasiiIridaceaeDouglas' grass-widow, purple-eyed grasseastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun
Plagiobothrys scouleriBoraginaceaeScouler's popcorn flowerwestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, freshwatermay, jun, jul, aug
Ranunculus californicusRanunculaceae prairie or baldapr, may, jun
Rumex salicifolius var. transitoriusPolygonaceae
Sagina apetala *Caryophyllaceaeannual pearlwortdisturbed areasmay, jun
Sagina maxima ssp. crassicaulisCaryophyllaceaeStick-stemmed pearlwort jun, jul, aug, sep
Sagina maxima ssp. maximaCaryophyllaceae
Sanicula crassicaulis var. crassicaulisApiaceaePacific sanicle may, jun
Sanicula crassicaulis var. tripartitaApiaceaePacific sanicle may, jun
Sarracenia flava *Sarraceniaceaeyellow pitcherplantfreshwater
Sarracenia purpurea *Sarraceniaceaepurple pitcher plant, northern pitcher plantfreshwater
Scutellaria galericulataLamiaceaemarsh skullcap, Hooded skullcapwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, freshwaterjun, jul, aug
Sedum stenopetalumCrassulaceae eastern forest, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpinemay, jun, jul
Soliva sessilis *Asteraceaefield burrweed, lawn burweeddisturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun
Sorbus intermedia *RosaceaeSwedish whitebeam
Spergularia macrothecaCaryophyllaceaesticky sandspurry, beach sandspurryprairie or bald, saltwater shoresjun, jul, aug, sep
Spergularia macrotheca var. macrothecaCaryophyllaceaebeach sandspurryprairie or bald, saltwater shoresjun, jul, aug, sep
Stellaria pallida *Caryophyllaceaelesser chickweed

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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