Publication: Native Ferns ed. 6. 116. 1900.
Origin: Native
selected vouchers: WTU
Notes: FNA2: "Polystichum lemmonii forms sterile hybrids with P . scopulinum and P . munitum . The first hybrid may be abundant where the two parents grow together, which they frequently do in the Wenatchee Mountains of Washington and Siskiyou Mountains of northern California and southwest Oregon. The hybrid is very similar to P . lemmonii but has malformed sporangia and slightly less divided pinnae than P . lemmonii . The P . lemmonii × P . munitum hybrid is morphologically indistinguishable from P . scopulinum ; it is a sterile diploid reported only twice from the Wenatchee Mountains of Washington (W. H. Wagner Jr. 1973; P. S. Soltis et al. 1989). It is possible that this hybrid involves P . imbricans and not P . munitum ; neither study distinguished between them.
American authors have misapplied the name Polystichum mohrioides (Bory) C. Presl, a South American species, to P . lemmonii."
References: (none)