Origin: Native
selected vouchers: WTU
Notes: FNA8: "Two varieties of Mitella stauropetala have been recognized. Plants from Oregon and Washington have been referred to var. stauropetala, characterized by hypanthium plus sepals often over 3 mm and petal blades with linear lobes. In northern Colorado, southeastern Idaho, eastern Utah, and Wyoming, var. stauropetala is replaced by var. stenopetala, with hypanthium plus sepals rarely over 3 mm and petal blades less deeply trifid (sometimes entire) and with broader lateral lobes. Variety stenopetala is morphologically similar in many respects to M. trifida. Mitella trifida and M. stauropetala require study to determine if plants referred to var. stenopetala are the result of hybridization or integradation between the two species."
References: (none)